Gunja -> Weather Information on lower resoulutions - thank you (3/28/2018 3:45:37 PM)
Hi, a while ago, I was complaining, that in one of the patches the weather informationen was added for some resolutions but not really low ones (as in my case: my computer does fulfill the system requirements but since it is a slightly older notebook barely so, at least regarding the resolution). I got an answer from the developer right away, that they will fix this in one of the next updates. Since then I didnīt have much time (or was occupied by other games [;)]) but some time ago I discovered, that it indeed had been fixed. Since it seems, that I was the only one on the forum speaking about this - I would like to thank the developer. I find it quite astounishing, that he took the time and effort to fix something that was bothering clearly only a tiny minority of players. I just wanted to express my appreciation before I go back to enjoying the game, which really shows the effort put into it. [&o][;)] Gunja