New Scenarios? (Full Version)

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Damascus -> New Scenarios? (3/29/2018 6:59:56 PM)

WIA has 26 scenarios (plus a tutorial). Are there going to be any scenarios for ECW other than the three that come with it?

altipueri -> RE: New Scenarios? (4/1/2018 10:40:16 AM)

I agree that the move to fewer longer scenarios is not good for making the games more appealing.

ECW was pretty much a one man project by Miguel Santacruz - I think - who also did Thirty Years War and the Spanish Civil War mods.

laramieela -> RE: New Scenarios? (4/2/2018 3:47:03 AM)

What would a new scenario be? I was trying to think of a situation not covered by the grand campaign and other scenarios? Would it be the invasion of Ireland?

julianbarker -> RE: New Scenarios? (4/2/2018 9:26:20 PM)

A few for starters -

2nd Civil War (1648-49)
3rd Civil War (1649-51)
Momtrose's Campaign in Scotland cold be stand alone.
Each year of the war could be played out as as stand alone scenario as armies entered winter quarters every year,

Damascus -> RE: New Scenarios? (4/4/2018 2:23:08 AM)

The great thing about WIA is that they kept adding to it. It started as French & Indian Wars plus Revolutionary War and they added the War of 1812. There are some 6-turn scenarios in there. Maybe focus on one region's activities in a short campaign without having to deal with everything else at the same time.

w_michael -> RE: New Scenarios? (12/28/2018 9:35:03 PM)

An Early War scenario that ends just before the Scottish Covenanter's invasion of England would be nice (Early July 1642 to Late December 1643). The starting position would be the same as the campaign. The victory conditions would have to be worked out for a balanced game.

nicwb -> RE: New Scenarios? (12/28/2018 10:07:45 PM)

I would like something about the Irish Cromwell's Irish campaign

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