SlickWilhelm -> RE: Questions about game features. On the Fence to Purchase (4/17/2018 9:54:35 PM)
ORIGINAL: thekossack This game looks very compelling, but I am curious about some of the features; Weather,Reinforcements: modelled/variable? Weather, no. Reinforcements, yes. That also means that you sometime lose units, too. quote:
Are the Supply points (ammo/fuel) fixed in quantity for a scenario, or do they accumulate over turns, and if so, what are the scenario editor parameters for that? They accumulate over time, assuming that you don't use more than arrives, and the enemy hasn't interdicted your supply. That's why you need to assign "anti-air" missions. quote:
Intel false signals; Does the engine include false Intel reports? Can a player give any order to shield assets from being discovered, or to even create false flag diversions (thinking Ruse game from Eugene games). Not that I'm aware of. Intel increases over time while your units are next to adjacent units. If you want to decrease intel, you'll need to move your units away from adjacent enemy units, and assign some air assets to "anti-air" missions. quote:
Counter Air/Interdiction missions: do you plot these missions on specific areas if the map or are they abstracted? They are abstracted. quote:
HQ reassignment; is it possible? What happens to units that have become orphaned from a destroyed HQ? Nope. Units that have become orphaned from a destroyed HQ can remain in "extended supply", which means they are receving supply from an HQ different than their original parent HQ. But as far as I know, they will never again be in "full supply". Needless to say, protect your HQ's at all hazards!