Research Menu (Full Version)

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rjh1971 -> Research Menu (4/23/2018 10:42:58 PM)

In Weapons and Warfare, playing 1939 Fallweis scenario:
When you invest in research the added chit does not show until you exit and come back to the research screen.
Minor thing but if it could be fixed it'd be great.

Hubert Cater -> RE: Research Menu (4/26/2018 9:13:56 PM)

Thanks rjh1971, I believe I've found the issue and I'll look into adding this to the list of things to fix for an update.

borsook -> RE: Research Menu (10/17/2018 10:29:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: Hubert Cater

Thanks rjh1971, I believe I've found the issue and I'll look into adding this to the list of things to fix for an update.

Using the Steam version (I think it's 1.3) I'm having the same issue, also in diplomacy screen, i.e. if I buy a chit I have to close the window before I can do anything else e.g. buy another one.

BiteNibbleChomp -> RE: Research Menu (10/17/2018 9:39:20 PM)

There's a similar issue with the purchase screen as well, where it will sometimes not register that you've pressed a button say for an upgrade or something, usually after a unit is bought and then you try to build a 2nd one.


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