is there any support for CAW? (Full Version)

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fabulousforrest -> is there any support for CAW? (5/4/2018 12:51:29 AM)

running windows 7 in a parallels virtual machine on an iMac 5k. have not played for a while. the game runs OK, but the window size is too small. it is set correctly, but is not displaying correctly. any hint as to what might be happening?

zakblood -> RE: is there any support for CAW? (5/4/2018 5:01:46 AM)

welcome to the forum, to reply and answer your question

yes there's support, but not for running on none windows o/s which for me for one, have no idea about i'm sorry to say, VM or other wise.

i've done a guide which shows you all you need to know on setup, even though i used a windows 10 pc to do it, the basic are all there on the part of screen size etc,

hope it helps

fabforrest -> RE: is there any support for CAW? (5/4/2018 11:55:29 AM)

You think I should reinstall the game?

zakblood -> RE: is there any support for CAW? (5/4/2018 2:32:27 PM)

no just manually alter the size for the res your using

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