fran52 -> RE: air drop of supply (5/15/2018 6:27:00 AM)
I have supplied with airdrop ,at the start of the turn,a panzer division but i have seen the number of the fuel decresing instead of increasing.The same seem happen when there is a capture of supply but being the unit in movement is less understandable if is due to the movement or not. You say that the unit lose fuel picking up the airdrop,if so which is the advantage of the airdrop? The mechanics of the airdrop is again not clear to me. I have finished the scenario with a defeat and i have found another surprise.During the mud turns all the unit have a CV of 1 so is not possible to have a combat.I have not found this rule into the manual.The manual is very complex and for the moment i have readed only the main rule to play Barbarossa,at least i think.