Jack308 -> (6/12/2001 11:37:00 PM)
Ok, time for my two cents. While I look forward to your new games, and you guys have certainly earned my future dollars (I feel I owe you for all the improvements you made to SP), the one thing I liked about the modern version was all the alternate history/weird confrontations that a person could do instead of the usual US versus Soviets, Israel versus Egypt/Syria/Jordan, etc... The game you are describing sounds like it would be limited to the usual regional combatants. And while an extremely accurate OOB is desirable, after playing wargames for many years its fun to pit non-standard adversaries against each other. For example, my last generated campaign in SP3 pitted my U.N. Dutch mech battalion against North Korea and it's Chinese allies in the 2nd Korean War, circa 1991 (taking advantage of the west's distraction with Desert Storm). Do you know if, as you release new areas or modules for a game like Combat Leader, a person would be able to play non-standard types of confrontations like I listed above? Maybe, you would leave a couple of OOBs slots open in each new module so a gamer could just copy whatever OOB he wanted to into the new module, complete with all the stats, pictures, sounds, etc... After all, it is a new global world, and countries are sticking there noses in all kind of new places!
That's my two cents, and I look forward to Combat Leader, however you do it.
Thanks for these forums, and for actually taking the time to respond to all of our whining!