Eagle-FZS -> RE: The French-Algerian War 1954-1962 | They bled in the Bled (6/7/2018 11:53:35 AM)
Since last week, I've also bought CSME. After creating some scenarios and LCGs for TCS and JTCS, I also ventured into CSME with a small scenario. At the request of Mr. Klink I started the research of the Algerian war. Unfortunately, the information is rather little so that it is difficult to create extensive scenarios. When creating I noticed that for the Algeria war only a few units are available in the Gameorg which makes an adjustment of the oob's advisable to create the scenarios as realistic as possible. Whether it is Oberst_Klink or I or another will show up My scenario is based on a report by Captain D. Galula, then Commander of the 3rd Company of the 45th B.I.C. [image]https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UM1gOSOW_q8/Wxka4OXLAvI/AAAAAAAAAKM/g92KQBp8naM4aj7tXJgkvPiMw0quDlQIwCLcBGAs/s1600/OuedStita1.JPG[/image] Operation Oued Stita August 1, 1956, Oued Stita Valley, Algeria, After the insurrection of Ait Aissa Mimoun led by leader Mohamed et Ali Oudiai has led to several attacks on French soldiers and riots in the population. Lt-Col. Lemoine units into the Oued Stita valley to bring him and his fellaghas to the track. When taking the rebel camp found no trace of Mohamed et Ali Oudiai who has found a way to settle with some insurgents. Download Since I am from Germany, I also have a version with a German description 1.August 1956, Oued Stita Tal, Algerien, Nachdem die l’insurrection à Ait Aissa Mimoun von Anführer Mohamed et Ali Oudiai mehrere Anschläge gegen französische Soldaten durchgeführt hat und in der Bevölkerung für Unruhen sorgte entsante Lt. Col. Lemoine Einheiten in das Oued Stita Tal um ihn und seine Fellaghas zur Strecke zu bringen. Bei Einnahme des Rebellenlagers fand man keine Spur von Mohamed et Ali Oudiai der einen Weg gefunden hat sich mit einigen Aufständischen abzusetzen. Download [image]https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rYQ010rUv8o/Wxka4DrulbI/AAAAAAAAAKQ/Q6MsX_-EsgUc7JGBwtqVGVIOnU1EsERXQCLcBGAs/s1600/OuedStita2.JPG[/image]