Mayhemizer_slith -> RE: PACETTI AND MAYHEMIZER secret plans (7/14/2018 1:29:53 PM)
Instructions for USSR/France and some suggestions. USSR claims Bessarabia. If that is denied, all USSR plans will be redone. USSR combined, France naval. I suggest CW sends Wavell to Bay of Bengal on transporter and debarks him to Bayonne where he is safe. You can debark him this impulse if you choose combined or next impulse if you choose naval. Don't sail to southern France ports, Axis naval bombers in Italy will attack. I suggest CW sends to France 2 of following units: MOT, INF or London MIL. I would say INF and MIL, but MOT is in Plymouth and TRS can sail to Bay of Biscay where it is safe from Kriegsmarine. Maybe naval is good option so that you can get escorts to all seas, weather is bad and Germany may send submarines now and attack Belgium when weather is better. Naval moves for France Transporter from Brest to Cape Verde Basin box 0, load MIL on it. 3x BB from Marseilles to West Med box 3. 2x BB and CA from Oran to West Med box 3. CA in West Med box 1 to box 0. Sub from Marseilles to Italian coast bo 2. No need for CW to send sub this impulse, France takes hit if Axis find. 4x CA in Casablanca are free for CW to use as escorts in Cape St. Vincent and Cape Verde Basin. Maybe 2x 5 speed to CSV box 4 and 2x 6 speed to CVB box 4. CA from Aden to East Med box 4. 2x CP from Aden to Beirut. France initiates combat on Italian coast. Rail move USSR rail 5-1 GAR from Kiev to Cernauti. Land move Sian MIL one hex east with HQ. 3-4 CAV in Poland to 52,52 woods. ENG from Odessa to 57,57. INF from 56,55 toi Odessa. 3-2 ARt to Chisinau. I suggest Nat Chinese give up Nanyang and send MIL to Chengchow, that why their units live longer. Or MIL try to escape west, 1 hex this impulse and 2 hexes next impulse. Rebase for USSR TB-3 to Baku. SB-2bis to Tilfis. Pe-2 to Batum. IL-4 to Baku. Rebase for France FTR from Paris to 56,31 woods.