Mud turn (Full Version)

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fran52 -> Mud turn (5/24/2018 5:43:09 AM)

During mud turn all the combat units have a combat value of 1 but i'm not able to find the rule that explain this.
Could someone help me?Is quite strange that the CV is virtually canceled but the movement is acceptable.I have checked some unit.An example:unit in Voronezh with is HQ:supply 100%,fuel 120%,ammo 106%,vehicles 100%.Despite the full ammo and supply the CV is only 1.

56ajax -> RE: Mud turn (5/25/2018 4:27:18 AM)

WITE- Manual-[US- Letter]

( Weather CV Modifier

Attacking units have their CV divided by 8 during mud.

fran52 -> RE: Mud turn (5/25/2018 5:41:38 AM)

Thank you,i have always searched in the wheater chapter 22.The manual is so extensive that sometime is difficult to remeber where i have readed one thing.

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