Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (Full Version)

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HybridSpyda -> Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/24/2018 11:23:27 AM)

Hi Everybody,

Gary Grigsby's War in the East has been updated to Public Beta version 1.11.02!

You can download the patch from the Members Area or from the Public FTP

Please feel free to check the patch notes below for all the new features and changes made.

    New Features
      1. Scenarios and games saved under this version will not load under older versions of the game. Starting with this version this will be true for every new patch, even if there will be no minor version change (in 1.11.02: “11” is minor version, “02” is revision).
      2. Added new ground element type - Eng-Sapper Squad to represent non-combat engineers (sappers). Compared with Engineer Squad it has recon value 0 (vs 1), CV and replacement priority 2 (vs 3), support need 5 (vs 6), and engineer value 5 (vs 10).
      3. Since Germany has no need to accumulate aircraft in the pool in order to build new air groups, they will be now allowed to refill their air groups more aggressively, just like Axis minors (10 instead of 50 aircraft in pool being the required minimum).
      4. Soviet units will now require less support, just like they need less supplies (18 to 21, roughly 86% of Axis needs). Does not apply to aircraft support needs.
      5. Air groups will have their own national morale level, based on regular national morale increased by 5. There will be also the following modifiers: +5 for German air groups before 1943, +5 for Finnish air groups, +10 for Soviet Guards air groups, x0.4 for Soviet air groups in 1941, x0.7 for Soviet air groups in 1942. This value can never be lower than 20, and higher than 99. Air group national morale will be seen next to air group morale on air group details screen.
        a. Air group morale will now increase or decrease in similar way to unit morale, gradually slowing down when moving away from national morale level.
        b. Morale and experience of newly built Soviet air groups will be equal to 75% of current Soviet air group national morale.
        c. Morale increase for air groups sent to reserve will be equal to 50% of their morale distance towards national morale (rounding up).
        d. Immediate morale increase for Soviet air groups becoming Guards will be equal to 5.
        e. Air group experience will be negatively affected by replacements, as replacements’ experience will be no longer affected by group experience, since it will be based purely on base air group national morale level.

      6. Damaged factories will reduce their production proportionally with 100% production at 0% damage, and 0% production at 50%+ damage (with random rounding of fractional production), instead of having a random chance to produce all or nothing.
      7. Damaged factories will expand with 100% chance at 0% damage, and 0% chance at 50%+ damage, instead of no expansion with 1%+ damage.
      8. Increased AA effectiveness at night, reduced night bombing efficiency, and reduced day & night airfield bombing efficiency (except on German June 22nd, 1941 turn).
      9. In land battles, in which the attacker lost, there will be no morale changes for either attacker or defender.
      10. There will be a limit of two air recon missions per hex, and two air transport missions per hex (separate from bomb mission limits, and from each other).
      11. Reworked “too many attackers” penalty. It will now penalize defenders that have less than 4000 men per adjacent hex occupied by enemy units, and it will penalize attackers that have more than 60000 men per hex from which they are attacking. This will not apply to partisan combat and artillery attacks. For hasty attacks the number of attacking men used in calculations will be halved.
      12. Soviet units will not suffer extra losses due to damaged equipment being abandoned during failed attacks before September 1941.
      13. Damaged elements will yield more disabled men while being sent to pool or discarded during the logistics phase, 50% for the Soviet (instead of 40%), and 40% for the Axis (instead of 30%).
      14. To inflate losses in battle which were universally perceived as too low, men that went to the disabled pool during battle will be no longer shown as DAM, but will be included in the LOST value. DAM value will instead represent the number of men in damaged elements, multiplied by 50% (for the Soviet), and 40% (for the Axis). This represents the number of men that may be lost during the next logistics phase, when damaged elements will be sent to pool or discarded.
      15. Merged units will be treated as if they were destroyed, so their empty shells will be eligible to start rebuilding (Axis), or to return as reinforcements in several turns (Soviet).
      16. Merging units will no longer cost 1 AP.
      17. It will be now possible to click unit name in the editor’s Locations tab to navigate to that unit.
      18. Adjusted support need (measured in 0.1 of support squads) for certain ground element types:
        a. DD Tank from 11 to 10.
        b. HT AT-Gun from 10 to 9.
        c. HT CS-Howitzer from 11 to 9.
        d. Heavy AT Gun from 10 to 15.
        e. Heavy Flak from 18 to 20.
        f. Heavy Tank from 10 to 12.
        g. Hvy Assault Gun from 10 to 12.
        h. Hvy Tank Destroyer from 10 to 12.
        i. Light Armored Car from 9 to 8.
        j. Medium SP Flak from 14 to 12.
        k. Rocket from 18 to 10.
        l. SP AT Gun from 12 to 14.
        m. SP Flak from 14 to 12.
        n. SP Inf-Gun from 10 to 14.
        o. SP Rocket Launcher from 12 to 14.
        p. Super Heavy Gun from 90 to 45.
        q. Very Heavy Flak from 36 to 40.

      19. Added new “group range” setting to air groups, which can be changed at any time. Group's aircraft range will be calculated as minimum of group range and actual aircraft range. Group range will be ignored for the purposes of combat performance, landing safety, calculating the number of aircraft sent for a mission, transfer range, and replacements availability. AI will not use this setting.
      20. Disabled “both” night missions mode, it will be no longer possible to select that option.
      21. Air groups may not fly or move during the turn, if they wish to change their night mission mode. After switching, they will be unable to fly or move for the remainder of the turn.
      22. Added two new filters to Commander’s Report Units and Air Groups tabs: experience under, and morale under.
      23. There will be a tiny chance that partisan units will form from the people of fully garrisoned cities.
      24. Consecutive land attacks at the same hex will cost +1 MP for each previous land attack executed in the same turn. This will not apply to the AI.

    Bug fixes
      1. Fixed a bug where it was impossible to clear leader promotion data in the editor. Enter year 1 and month 1 to clear selected promotion entry.
      2. Fixed a bug where ground attack and strategic recon Soviet air groups had no default air group names assigned, so they were losing their designation during the logistics phase.
      3. Fixed a bug where an airbase had to have at least 100% of fuel needs to be able to return reserve aircraft to active duty. This wasn’t required for returning damaged aircraft to active duty.
      4. Fixed a bug where Czech and Polish manpower production was using Axis Ally multipliers instead of German multipliers.
      5. Fixed a bug where the logistics report contained wrong information about manpower produced and available, by not taking into account reductions of Czech and Polish production, that were applied at later stage.
      6. Possibly fixed a bug where too many aircraft resulted in memory corruption and could lead to the game crashing (sometimes several turns later).
      7. Fixed a bug in the “Better CV Math” mode, where the impact of leader skill rolls on per-slot CV was calculated incorrectly.
      8. Fixed some typos related to aircraft, and shortened some overlapping texts. Altered some short forms to remove problems with translation.
      9. Fixed a bug where air groups with id greater than 1500 would receive replacement aircraft at reduced rate.
      10. Fixed a bug where artillery unit attacking from adjacent hex across a river could end up with negative MP.
      11. Fixed bugs related to TOE renames or new TOEs, and AI build/disband limits. Affected TOEs: AA Brigade (support), Heavy AA Battalion, Light AA Regiment, Motorized Sapper Battalion (new), AA Brigade (combat), Garrison Brigade, and Howitzer Brigade.

    Scenario & data changes
      1. Improved historical accuracy of Soviet command structure (correct leaders, some new HQs, some relocations), especially in 1941-45 Campaign as well as in all smaller scenarios with the same start date.
      2. Some adjustments to Luftwaffe command structure in various scenarios.
      3. Added fortified zone & fort in the Rumanian port of Constanta where applicable.
      4. Rebuilt Soviet rocket units in scenarios starting from 1942 onwards.
      5. 1941-45 Campaign and related scenarios:
        a. Added some Sapper Battalions to Soviet Corps HQs (incl. motorized battalions in Mechanized Corps).
        b. Corrected the number of T-34 and KV-1 tanks in Soviet Tank Divisions.
        c. Fixed size of some Soviet air groups (regiments to battalions).
        d. Rebuilt all BM Howitzer Regiments to full strength and correct composition.
        e. Moved some factories from Leningrad area to Kolpino, and from NE Leningrad to Leningrad.

      6. 1942-45 Campaign, Winter 1942-43, Stalingrad to Berlin Campaign: Luftflotte 6 replaced by Luftwaffe Kdo Ost. Luftflotte 6 appears 5/43.
      7. Reworked composition of Soviet AA units, and adjusted size of Axis & Soviet HQs.
      8. Increased accuracy of rockets.

    Device changes
      1. [136] 7.92mm MP43/44 Rifle: name changed from 7.92mm MP43/44 Rifle to 7.92mm StG44 Rifle.
      2. [430] 150mm NbW 41 Rocket: accuracy changed from 50 to 100.
      3. [440] 300mm M-31 Rocket: accuracy changed from 50 to 75, range changed from 4700 to 4400.
      4. [570] 210mm NbW 42 Rocket: accuracy changed from 50 to 100.
      5. [571] 280/320mm NbW 41 Rocket: accuracy changed from 50 to 75.
      6. [572] 300mm NbW 42 Rocket: accuracy changed from 50 to 100.
      7. [573] 150mm NbW 42 Rocket: accuracy changed from 50 to 100.

    Ground element changes
      1. [64] SdKfz-251/2 Mortar Carrier: men changed from 8 to 6.
      2. [76] 50mm Mortar: men changed from 3 to 2, supply use changed from 104 to 100, weapon 1 changed from [133] 7.92mm Kar 98k Rifle to [138] Pistol, weapon 1 number changed from 3 to 2, weapon 1 ammo changed from 40 to 8.
      3. [77] 81mm Mortar: men changed from 5 to 4, supply use changed from 276 to 273, weapon 2 changed from 0 to [138] Pistol, weapon 1 number changed from 5 to 2, weapon 2 number changed from 0 to 2, weapon 2 ammo changed from 0 to 8, weapon 2 face changed from FWD to SIDE.
      4. [78] 120mm Mortar: speed changed from 2 to 3, men changed from 6 to 5, supply use changed from 1162 to 1161, weapon 1 number changed from 6 to 5.
      5. [82] Rifle Squad 43: supply use changed from 157 to 122.
      6. [83] Rifle Squad (-): men changed from 8 to 9, supply use changed from 182 to 146, weapon 1 changed from [176] Hand Grenade to [133] 7.92mm Kar 98k Rifle, weapon 2 changed from [181] Panzerfaust to [166] 7.92mm MG42 LMG, weapon 3 changed from 0 to [176] Hand Grenade, weapon 4 changed from 0 to [175] Rifle-Grenade, weapon 5 changed from 0 to [181] Panzerfaust, weapon 0 number changed from 8 to 7, weapon 3 number changed from 0 to 1, weapon 4 number changed from 0 to 1, weapon 5 number changed from 0 to 1, weapon 1 ammo changed from 16 to 80, weapon 2 ammo changed from 7 to 1000, weapon 3 ammo changed from 0 to 12, weapon 4 ammo changed from 0 to 6, weapon 5 ammo changed from 0 to 5, weapon 3 face changed from FWD to SIDE.
      7. [84] Pioneer Squad 39: supply use changed from 220 to 184, weapon 1 ammo changed from 18 to 14.
      8. [85] Pioneer Squad 43: supply use changed from 196 to 168, weapon 0 number changed from 5 to 6, weapon 7 number changed from 2 to 1.
      9. [86] Pioneer Squad 44: supply use changed from 200 to 172, weapon 0 number changed from 4 to 5, weapon 7 number changed from 2 to 1.
      10. [87] Submachine Gun Squad: supply use changed from 160 to 144, weapon 1 changed from [176] Hand Grenade to [133] 7.92mm Kar 98k Rifle, weapon 2 changed from [181] Panzerfaust to [159] 7.92mm MG34 LMG, weapon 3 changed from 0 to [176] Hand Grenade, weapon 4 changed from 0 to [175] Rifle-Grenade, weapon 5 changed from 0 to [181] Panzerfaust, weapon 0 number changed from 9 to 7, weapon 3 number changed from 0 to 1, weapon 4 number changed from 0 to 1, weapon 5 number changed from 0 to 1, weapon 1 ammo changed from 18 to 80, weapon 2 ammo changed from 5 to 1000, weapon 3 ammo changed from 0 to 12, weapon 4 ammo changed from 0 to 6, weapon 5 ammo changed from 0 to 5, weapon 4 face changed from FWD to SIDE, weapon 5 face changed from FWD to SIDE.
      11. [96] Motorized Rifle Squad 43: supply use changed from 198 to 156.
      12. [97] Motorized Rifle Squad (-): men changed from 9 to 10, supply use changed from 198 to 163, weapon 1 changed from [176] Hand Grenade to [133] 7.92mm Kar 98k Rifle, weapon 2 changed from [175] Rifle-Grenade to [166] 7.92mm MG42 LMG, weapon 3 changed from [181] Panzerfaust to [176] Hand Grenade, weapon 4 changed from 0 to [175] Rifle-Grenade, weapon 5 changed from 0 to [181] Panzerfaust, weapon 0 number changed from 10 to 8, weapon 4 number changed from 0 to 1, weapon 5 number changed from 0 to 1, weapon 0 ammo changed from 300 to 330, weapon 1 ammo changed from 16 to 80, weapon 2 ammo changed from 6 to 1000, weapon 3 ammo changed from 7 to 14, weapon 4 ammo changed from 0 to 6, weapon 5 ammo changed from 0 to 6.
      13. [98] Panzer Grenadier Squad 41: supply use changed from 163 to 139, weapon 2 ammo changed from 20 to 10, weapon 4 ammo changed from 12 to 6.
      14. [99] Panzer Grenadier Squad 43: supply use changed from 241 to 189, weapon 4 number changed from 1 to 2, weapon 2 ammo changed from 12 to 10, weapon 5 ammo changed from 12 to 6.
      15. [100] Panzer Grenadier Squad (-): supply use changed from 176 to 174, weapon 2 number changed from 1 to 3, weapon 4 ammo changed from 8 to 12.
      16. [101] Panzer Pioneer Squad 39: supply use changed from 247 to 210, weapon 1 ammo changed from 15 to 10.
      17. [102] Panzer Pioneer Squad 43: supply use changed from 306 to 279, weapon 1 ammo changed from 12 to 14.
      18. [103] Panzer Pioneer Squad: supply use changed from 306 to 279, weapon 1 ammo changed from 12 to 14.
      19. [104] Panzer Pioneer Squad 44: supply use changed from 327 to 300, weapon 1 ammo changed from 12 to 14.
      20. [113] 150mm Nebelwerfer: build cost changed from 13 to 15.
      21. [115] Fallschirmjaeger Squad 43: supply use changed from 174 to 146.
      22. [116] Fallschirmjaeger Squad 44: supply use changed from 186 to 151.
      23. [135] T-28 M1932(F): name changed from T-28 M1932(F) to T-28 M1934(F).
      24. [139] T-28 M1940(F): name changed from T-28 M1940(F) to T-28E(F).
      25. [141] Ski Jaeger Squad: supply use changed from 142 to 114.
      26. [142] Ski Sturm Squad: supply use changed from 185 to 146, weapon 5 changed from [138] Pistol to [133] 7.92mm Kar 98k Rifle, weapon 0 number changed from 8 to 7, weapon 5 ammo changed from 8 to 80.
      27. [147] 81mm Mortar: men changed from 5 to 4, supply use changed from 276 to 273, weapon 2 changed from 0 to [138] Pistol, weapon 1 number changed from 5 to 2, weapon 2 number changed from 0 to 2, weapon 2 ammo changed from 0 to 8, weapon 2 face changed from FWD to SIDE.
      28. [148] 120mm Mortar: speed changed from 2 to 3, men changed from 6 to 5, supply use changed from 1162 to 1161, weapon 1 number changed from 6 to 5.
      29. [151] Rifle Squad 44: supply use changed from 143 to 108.
      30. [154] Submachine Gun Squad: supply use changed from 81 to 87, weapon 0 number changed from 9 to 10.
      31. [171] 210mm Nebelwerfer: build cost changed from 18 to 15.
      32. [172] 280/320mm Nebelwerfer: build cost changed from 21 to 13.
      33. [173] 300mm Nebelwerfer: build cost changed from 23 to 13, import cost changed from 5 to 0.
      34. [196] 81mm Mortar: men changed from 5 to 4, supply use changed from 185 to 182, weapon 2 changed from 0 to [138] Pistol, weapon 1 number changed from 5 to 2, weapon 2 number changed from 0 to 2, weapon 2 ammo changed from 0 to 8, weapon 2 face changed from FWD to SIDE.
      35. [200] 45mm Mortar: men changed from 3 to 2, supply use changed from 53 to 50, weapon 1 changed from [142] 6.5mm Mannlicher Rifle to [138] Pistol, weapon 1 number changed from 3 to 2, weapon 1 ammo changed from 36 to 8.
      36. [220] SdKfz-251/2D Mortar Carrier: men changed from 8 to 6.
      37. [247] 60mm Mortar: men changed from 3 to 2, supply use changed from 94 to 90, weapon 1 changed from [659] 7.92mm Mannlicher Rifle to [138] Pistol, weapon 1 number changed from 3 to 2, weapon 1 ammo changed from 40 to 8.
      38. [248] 81mm Mortar: men changed from 5 to 4, supply use changed from 276 to 273, weapon 2 changed from 0 to [138] Pistol, weapon 1 number changed from 5 to 2, weapon 2 number changed from 0 to 2, weapon 2 ammo changed from 0 to 8, weapon 2 face changed from FWD to SIDE.
      39. [249] 120mm Mortar: speed changed from 2 to 3, men changed from 6 to 5, supply use changed from 1162 to 1161, weapon 1 number changed from 6 to 5.
      40. [253] Rifle Squad 44: supply use changed from 138 to 110.
      41. [256] Assault Squad: supply use changed from 288 to 182, weapon 0 number changed from 13 to 11, weapon 4 ammo changed from 15 to 10, weapon 5 ammo changed from 5 to 3, weapon 6 ammo changed from 5 to 3.
      42. [257] Cavalry Squad: supply use changed from 58 to 64, weapon 1 ammo changed from 12 to 16.
      43. [266] Motor Squad 44: supply use changed from 160 to 132.
      44. [270] Assault Squad 44: supply use changed from 222 to 189, weapon 0 number changed from 13 to 11, weapon 4 ammo changed from 15 to 10, weapon 5 ammo changed from 5 to 3, weapon 6 ammo changed from 5 to 3.
      45. [276] 150mm Nebelwerfer: build cost changed from 13 to 15.
      46. [293] 50mm Mortar: men changed from 3 to 2, supply use changed from 64 to 60, weapon 1 changed from [654] 8mm 31M Rifle to [138] Pistol, weapon 1 number changed from 3 to 2, weapon 1 ammo changed from 40 to 8.
      47. [294] 81mm Mortar: men changed from 5 to 4, supply use changed from 276 to 273, weapon 2 changed from 0 to [138] Pistol, weapon 1 number changed from 5 to 2, weapon 2 number changed from 0 to 2, weapon 2 ammo changed from 0 to 8, weapon 2 face changed from FWD to SIDE.
      48. [295] 120mm Mortar: speed changed from 2 to 3, men changed from 6 to 5, supply use changed from 1162 to 1161, weapon 1 number changed from 6 to 5.
      49. [298] Rifle Squad 44: men changed from 10 to 11, supply use changed from 135 to 107.
      50. [315] Rifle Squad 43: supply use changed from 128 to 103, weapon 0 number changed from 6 to 7.
      51. [317] Combat Engineer Squad: supply use changed from 171 to 161, weapon 2 ammo changed from 6 to 10.
      52. [319] 81mm Mortar: men changed from 5 to 4, supply use changed from 186 to 183, weapon 2 changed from 0 to [138] Pistol, weapon 1 number changed from 5 to 2, weapon 2 number changed from 0 to 2, weapon 2 ammo changed from 0 to 8, weapon 2 face changed from FWD to SIDE.
      53. [377] Cavalry Squad 44: supply use changed from 129 to 101.
      54. [380] Motorcycle Squad 44: supply use changed from 118 to 90.
      55. [385] T-28 M1932: name changed from T-28 M1932 to T-28 M1934.
      56. [427] Bicycle Recon Squad: supply use changed from 61 to 86, weapon 0 ammo changed from 40 to 80, weapon 1 ammo changed from 500 to 1000, weapon 3 ammo changed from 16 to 14, weapon 4 ammo changed from 160 to 320.
      57. [428] Bicycle Recon Squad 43: supply use changed from 134 to 124, weapon 0 ammo changed from 40 to 80, weapon 1 ammo changed from 500 to 1000, weapon 3 ammo changed from 14 to 12, weapon 4 ammo changed from 160 to 320, weapon 5 ammo changed from 40 to 80.
      58. [729] 107mm Mortar: speed changed from 2 to 3, men changed from 6 to 5, supply use changed from 407 to 406, weapon 1 number changed from 6 to 5.
      59. [730] Flamethrower Squad: supply use changed from 506 to 206.
      60. [731] SU-76M: build limit changed from 42 to 22.
      61. [736] BT-Artillery: name changed from BT-Artillery to BT-7A.
      62. [737] T-26 M1938: upgrade changed from [741] T-70 M1942 to [740] T-60 M1941.
      63. [741] T-70 M1942: last month changed from 12 to 11, build limit changed from 30 to 32, factory upgrade changed from 0 to [731] SU-76M, scrap policy changed from DEFAULT (1 YEAR) to NONE.
      64. [753] T-28 M1940: name changed from T-28 M1940 to T-28E.
      65. [774] BA-10 Armored Car: last month changed from 9 to 10.
      66. [788] 82mm Mortar: men changed from 5 to 4, supply use changed from 141 to 183, weapon 2 changed from 0 to [138] Pistol, weapon 1 number changed from 5 to 2, weapon 2 number changed from 0 to 2, weapon 0 ammo changed from 15 to 20, weapon 2 ammo changed from 0 to 8, weapon 2 face changed from FWD to SIDE.
      67. [789] 120mm Mortar: speed changed from 2 to 3, men changed from 6 to 5, supply use changed from 777 to 776, weapon 1 number changed from 6 to 5.
      68. [799] Sapper Squad 41: last year changed from 1942 to 1945, men changed from 9 to 8, upgrade changed from [845] Sapper Squad 42 to 0, update TOE changed from YES to NO.
      69. [800] Sapper Squad 39: supply use changed from 99 to 69, weapon 2 face changed from FWD to SIDE, weapon 3 face changed from FWD to SIDE.
      70. [805] 50mm Mortar: men changed from 4 to 2, supply use changed from 85 to 80, weapon 1 changed from [157] 7.62mm M1938 Carbine to [138] Pistol, weapon 1 number changed from 4 to 2, weapon 1 ammo changed from 40 to 8.
      71. [806] 85mm Anti-aircraft Gun: import % changed from 20% to 11%.
      72. [816] M-30-4 Rocket Launcher: men changed from 6 to 2, supply use changed from 643 to 638, build cost changed from 25 to 10, weapon 1 number changed from 6 to 2.
      73. [819] 160mm Mortar: men changed from 8 to 6, supply use changed from 1810 to 1807, weapon 1 number changed from 8 to 6.
      74. [822] 203mm Howitzer: last year changed from 1945 to 1941, last month changed from 9 to 12, scrap policy changed from DEFAULT (1 YEAR) to NONE.
      75. [845] Sapper Squad 42: supply use changed from 99 to 148, max import changed from ALL to 0, import from changed from [799] Sapper Squad 41 to 0, weapon 0 changed from [154] 7.62mm SVT40 Tokarev Rifle to [149] 7.62mm PPSh-41 SMG, weapon 2 changed from [149] 7.62mm PPSh-41 SMG to [171] 7.62mm DP LMG, weapon 4 changed from 0 to [130] Anti-Tank Grenade, weapon 0 number changed from 6 to 7, weapon 2 number changed from 2 to 1, weapon 4 number changed from 0 to 1, weapon 0 ammo changed from 80 to 284, weapon 1 ammo changed from 18 to 12, weapon 2 ammo changed from 284 to 470, weapon 4 ammo changed from 0 to 4, weapon 4 face changed from FWD to SIDE, import cost changed from 2 to 0, import % changed from 80% to DEFAULT.
      76. [850] M-31-8 Rocket Launcher: load cost changed from 8 to 7, build limit changed from 0 to 100, men changed from 8 to 4, supply use changed from 1282 to 1277, build cost changed from 35 to 12, weapon 1 number changed from 8 to 4, import cost changed from 11 to 2.

    TOE(OB) changes
      1. [1] 41a Tank Division: element 4 changed from [780] 45mm Anti-tank Gun M37 to [792] 12.7mm Anti-Aircraft MG, element 12 changed from [739] T-40 M1941 to [386] BT-7M M1939, element number 3 changed from 6 to 18, element number 6 changed from 15 to 11, element number 10 changed from 51 to 56, element number 11 changed from 24 to 39, element number 12 changed from 17 to 26, element number 13 changed from 20 to 22, element number 15 changed from 208 to 210, element number 20 changed from 337 to 339.
      2. [4] 41 Motorized Division: element 12 changed from [774] BA-10 Armored Car to 0, element number 12 changed from 27 to 0, element number 13 changed from 12 to 39.
      3. [5] 41a Rifle Division: element 17 changed from [1501] Support to [730] Flamethrower Squad, element 18 changed from 0 to [1501] Support, element number 1 changed from 16 to 12, element number 17 changed from 282 to 4, element number 18 changed from 0 to 282.
      4. [14] 41 Motorcycle Regiment: element 4 changed from [804] 14.5mm Anti-tank Rifle to [730] Flamethrower Squad, element 6 changed from [739] T-40 M1941 to [733] Labor Squad, element number 0 changed from 27 to 42, element number 1 changed from 18 to 24, element number 2 changed from 12 to 16, element number 3 changed from 4 to 6, element number 4 changed from 18 to 3, element number 5 changed from 4 to 17, element number 6 changed from 3 to 1, element number 7 changed from 20 to 31.
      5. [15] 41a Sapper Battalion: last month changed from 7 to 9, element number 0 changed from 27 to 18.
      6. [16] 41 Construction Battalion: element number 1 changed from 5 to 10.
      7. [62] 42 Cavalry Division: element number 13 changed from 3 to 6.
      8. [63] 42 Guards Cavalry Corps: element number 13 changed from 27 to 18.
      9. [64] 42 Guards Cavalry Division: element number 13 changed from 3 to 6.
      10. [89] 45 Guards Heavy Tank Brigade: first month changed from 2 to 9, element number 3 changed from 63 to 65, element number 4 changed from 80 to 60.
      11. [111] 43 Cavalry Division: element number 12 changed from 2 to 6.
      12. [113] 43 Guards Cavalry Division: element number 12 changed from 2 to 6.
      13. [174] 41 PVO AA Regiment: element number 0 changed from 24 to 100, element number 1 changed from 12 to 8, element number 2 changed from 14 to 25, element number 3 changed from 12 to 20, element number 4 changed from 34 to 90.
      14. [176] 41 AA Battalion: suffix changed from AA Battalion to Heavy AA Battalion, first month changed from 6 to 1, element 0 changed from [787] 37mm Anti-aircraft Gun to [811] 76mm Anti-aircraft Gun, element number 1 changed from 8 to 2, element number 2 changed from 12 to 3, element number 3 changed from 8 to 14.
      15. [193] 41 AA Regiment: suffix changed from AA Regiment to Light AA Regiment, first month changed from 6 to 1, element number 0 changed from 48 to 12, element number 1 changed from 24 to 8, element number 2 changed from 36 to 12, element number 3 changed from 35 to 8.
      16. [194] 43 AA Regiment: suffix changed from AA Regiment to Light AA Regiment, last year changed from 1944 to 1945, last month changed from 3 to 9, upgrade changed from [763] 44 AA Regiment to 0, element 0 changed from [806] 85mm Anti-aircraft Gun to [787] 37mm Anti-aircraft Gun, element 1 changed from [787] 37mm Anti-aircraft Gun to [792] 12.7mm Anti-Aircraft MG, element 2 changed from [792] 12.7mm Anti-Aircraft MG to [1501] Support, element 3 changed from [1501] Support to 0, element number 1 changed from 48 to 16, element number 2 changed from 52 to 12, element number 3 changed from 60 to 0.
      17. [195] 42b Rifle Corps: element number 3 changed from 30 to 36.
      18. [199] 42b Guards Rifle Corps: element number 3 changed from 30 to 36.
      19. [200] 41 Heavy Gun Regiment: element number 1 changed from 115 to 66.
      20. [218] 44 Heavy Rocket Brigade: element number 0 changed from 216 to 288, element number 1 changed from 364 to 144.
      21. [243] 43 Separate Tank Regiment: element number 5 changed from 14 to 15.
      22. [246] 42 Heavy Tank Regiment: element number 2 changed from 5 to 6.
      23. [247] 44 Heavy Tank Regiment: element number 4 changed from 8 to 9.
      24. [255] 41 Ski Battalion: element 2 changed from [802] Cavalry Squad 41 to [799] Sapper Squad 41.
      25. [259] 41 Light Rocket Regiment: element number 1 changed from 40 to 36.
      26. [260] 41 Light Rocket Battalion: element number 1 changed from 10 to 12.
      27. [261] 42 Light Rocket Regiment: element 0 changed from [792] 12.7mm Anti-Aircraft MG to [787] 37mm Anti-aircraft Gun, element 1 changed from [810] BM-13-16 Rocket Launcher to [792] 12.7mm Anti-Aircraft MG, element 2 changed from [1501] Support to [810] BM-13-16 Rocket Launcher, element 3 changed from 0 to [1501] Support, element number 0 changed from 6 to 4, element number 1 changed from 24 to 4, element number 2 changed from 26 to 24, element number 3 changed from 0 to 30.
      28. [262] 42 Light Rocket Battalion: element number 1 changed from 8 to 12, element number 2 changed from 10 to 13.
      29. [263] 42 Heavy Rocket Battalion: last year changed from 1944 to 1942, last month changed from 2 to 10, upgrade changed from [743] 44 Heavy Rocket Regiment to [749] 43 Heavy Rocket Battalion, element number 0 changed from 72 to 96, element number 1 changed from 85 to 48.
      30. [264] 42 Heavy Rocket Brigade: first month changed from 11 to 10, last year changed from 1944 to 1942, last month changed from 2 to 11, upgrade changed from [218] 44 Heavy Rocket Brigade to [759] 43 Heavy Rocket Brigade, element number 0 changed from 288 to 240, element number 1 changed from 340 to 120.
      31. [265] 42 Rocket Launcher Division: element number 1 changed from 576 to 480, element number 2 changed from 784 to 336.
      32. [266] 43 Rocket Launcher Division: last year changed from 1945 to 1944, last month changed from 9 to 2, element number 1 changed from 1020 to 432.
      33. [267] 44 Rocket Launcher Division: element number 0 changed from 648 to 864, element number 1 changed from 1092 to 432.
      34. [384] 41b Sapper Battalion: first month changed from 8 to 10, element number 0 changed from 13 to 21.
      35. [394] 42a Rifle Corps: element number 3 changed from 30 to 36.
      36. [412] 41 PVO AA Battalion: element number 0 changed from 12 to 20, element number 1 changed from 3 to 5, element number 2 changed from 13 to 17.
      37. [413] 41a Naval Infantry Brigade: element 4 changed from 0 to [788] 82mm Mortar, element 5 changed from [788] 82mm Mortar to [780] 45mm Anti-tank Gun M37, element 6 changed from 0 to [784] 76mm Infantry Gun, element 7 changed from [780] 45mm Anti-tank Gun M37 to [792] 12.7mm Anti-Aircraft MG, element 8 changed from [784] 76mm Infantry Gun to [790] 7.62mm Machine Gun, element 9 changed from 0 to [805] 50mm Mortar, element 10 changed from [792] 12.7mm Anti-Aircraft MG to [1501] Support, element 11 changed from [790] 7.62mm Machine Gun to 0, element 12 changed from [805] 50mm Mortar to 0, element 14 changed from [1501] Support to 0, element number 4 changed from 0 to 80, element number 5 changed from 80 to 10, element number 6 changed from 0 to 20, element number 7 changed from 10 to 3, element number 8 changed from 20 to 90, element number 9 changed from 0 to 15, element number 10 changed from 3 to 112, element number 11 changed from 90 to 0, element number 12 changed from 15 to 0, element number 14 changed from 112 to 0.
      38. [444] 41a Sapper Regiment: element 1 changed from [790] 7.62mm Machine Gun to [1501] Support, element 2 changed from [1501] Support to 0, element number 0 changed from 60 to 54, element number 1 changed from 12 to 51, element number 2 changed from 47 to 0.
      39. [445] 41b Sapper Regiment: last year changed from 1945 to 1941, upgrade changed from 0 to [384] 41b Sapper Battalion, element 1 changed from [790] 7.62mm Machine Gun to [1501] Support, element 2 changed from [1501] Support to 0, element number 1 changed from 8 to 24, element number 2 changed from 30 to 0.
      40. [446] 43 Assault Engineer-Sapper Brigade: element 0 changed from [799] Sapper Squad 41 to [845] Sapper Squad 42.
      41. [456] 44 Werfer Brigade: element number 0 changed from 54 to 72, element number 1 changed from 54 to 90, element number 2 changed from 16 to 24.
      42. [457] 44 Volkswerfer Brigade: element number 0 changed from 18 to 36, element number 1 changed from 18 to 36, element number 2 changed from 72 to 90.
      43. [458] 45 Werfer Brigade: element 3 changed from [1490] Support to [174] SdKfz-4 Panzerwerfer, element 4 changed from 0 to [1490] Support, element number 0 changed from 36 to 54, element number 1 changed from 26 to 54, element number 3 changed from 100 to 24, element number 4 changed from 0 to 100.
      44. [486] 44 Assault Engineer-Sapper Brigade: element 0 changed from [799] Sapper Squad 41 to [845] Sapper Squad 42.
      45. [501] HQ Hun. Mobile Corps : element number 0 changed from 250 to 200.
      46. [502] HQ Ital. Expeditionary Corps: element number 0 changed from 250 to 200.
      47. [503] HQ Ital. Alpini Corps: element number 0 changed from 250 to 200.
      48. [504] HQ Ital. Special Corps: element number 0 changed from 250 to 200.
      49. [505] HQ Fin. Corps: element number 0 changed from 250 to 200.
      50. [506] HQ Rum. Special Corps: element number 0 changed from 250 to 200.
      51. [507] HQ Corps: name changed from HQ to HQ Slov., element number 0 changed from 250 to 200.
      52. [534] HQ Mechanized Corps: element number 0 changed from 36 to 50.
      53. [536] HQ Shock Army: element number 0 changed from 200 to 250.
      54. [537] HQ Airborne Corps: element number 0 changed from 21 to 25.
      55. [538] HQ Military District: element number 0 changed from 185 to 200.
      56. [541] HQ Air Base: element 3 changed from [1601] Air Support to [811] 76mm Anti-aircraft Gun, element 4 changed from [1501] Support to [1601] Air Support, element 5 changed from 0 to [1501] Support, element number 3 changed from 220 to 4, element number 4 changed from 30 to 220, element number 5 changed from 0 to 20.
      57. [543] HQ Combined Arms Army: element number 0 changed from 185 to 200.
      58. [544] HQ Front: element number 0 changed from 330 to 400.
      59. [547] HQ Hun. Corps: element number 0 changed from 250 to 200.
      60. [548] HQ Hun. Army: element number 0 changed from 500 to 300.
      61. [550] HQ Hun. Air Base: element number 0 changed from 12 to 4, element number 1 changed from 6 to 16, element number 3 changed from 30 to 20.
      62. [551] HQ Hun. Air Command: element number 0 changed from 1000 to 500.
      63. [552] HQ Ital. Corps: element number 0 changed from 250 to 200.
      64. [553] HQ Ital. Army: element number 0 changed from 500 to 300.
      65. [554] HQ Ital. Army Group: element number 0 changed from 1000 to 500.
      66. [555] HQ Ital. Air Base: element number 0 changed from 12 to 4, element number 1 changed from 8 to 16, element number 3 changed from 30 to 20.
      67. [556] HQ Ital. Air Bde : element number 0 changed from 1000 to 300.
      68. [557] HQ Fin. Corps: element number 0 changed from 250 to 200.
      69. [558] HQ Fin. Army: element number 0 changed from 500 to 300.
      70. [560] HQ Fin. Air Command: element number 0 changed from 1000 to 500.
      71. [561] HQ Fin. Air Base: element number 1 changed from 8 to 12, element number 3 changed from 30 to 20.
      72. [566] HQ Air Base: element number 1 changed from 3 to 4, element number 2 changed from 5 to 4, element number 3 changed from 7 to 12, element number 5 changed from 30 to 20.
      73. [567] HQ Fliegerkorps : element number 0 changed from 500 to 250.
      74. [568] HQ Luftflotte : element number 0 changed from 1000 to 500.
      75. [569] HQ Rum. Army Group : element number 0 changed from 1000 to 500.
      76. [570] HQ Rum. Air Base: element number 3 changed from 30 to 20.
      77. [572] HQ Rum. Corps: element number 0 changed from 250 to 200.
      78. [573] HQ Rum. Army: element number 0 changed from 500 to 300.
      79. [574] HQ Flak Division: element number 0 changed from 250 to 125.
      80. [575] HQ Slov. Air Command: element number 0 changed from 1000 to 500.
      81. [576] HQ Slov. Air Base: element number 3 changed from 30 to 20.
      82. [577] HQ Rum. Air Command: element number 0 changed from 1000 to 500.
      83. [581] HQ Forward Air Base: element number 2 changed from 4 to 12, element number 4 changed from 20 to 15.
      84. [590] HQ Fin. Air Corps : element number 0 changed from 500 to 150.
      85. [591] HQ Hun. Air Corps : element number 0 changed from 500 to 150.
      86. [592] HQ Ital. Air Corps : element number 0 changed from 500 to 150.
      87. [593] HQ Rum. Air Corps : element number 0 changed from 500 to 150.
      88. [594] HQ Slov. Air Corps : element number 0 changed from 500 to 150.
      89. [669] HQ Aviation Corps: element number 0 changed from 250 to 100.
      90. [708] HQ Flieger-Division : element number 0 changed from 250 to 150.
      91. [728] 41b Naval Infantry Brigade: first month changed from 10 to 5, last year changed from 1942 to 1941, last month changed from 9 to 5, element 3 changed from [733] Labor Squad to [799] Sapper Squad 41.
      92. [736] HQ Mechanized Corps: element number 0 changed from 36 to 50.
      93. [742] 44 Light Rocket Regiment: element number 3 changed from 35 to 30.
      94. [743] 44 Heavy Rocket Regiment: element 0 changed from [825] BM-31-12 Rocket Launcher to [787] 37mm Anti-aircraft Gun, element 1 changed from [1501] Support to [792] 12.7mm Anti-Aircraft MG, element 2 changed from 0 to [825] BM-31-12 Rocket Launcher, element 3 changed from 0 to [1501] Support, element number 0 changed from 24 to 9, element number 1 changed from 50 to 9, element number 2 changed from 0 to 36, element number 3 changed from 0 to 40.
      95. [763] 44 AA Regiment: suffix changed from AA Regiment to AA Brigade, element number 3 changed from 60 to 73.
      96. [765] 43 PVO AA Battalion: element 1 changed from [792] 12.7mm Anti-Aircraft MG to [787] 37mm Anti-aircraft Gun, element 2 changed from [1501] Support to [792] 12.7mm Anti-Aircraft MG, element 3 changed from 0 to [1501] Support, element number 0 changed from 16 to 20, element number 1 changed from 4 to 8, element number 2 changed from 18 to 5, element number 3 changed from 0 to 20.
      97. [766] 43 PVO AA Regiment: element number 0 changed from 32 to 100, element number 1 changed from 16 to 36, element number 2 changed from 24 to 25, element number 3 changed from 48 to 130.
      98. [767] 43 PVO AA Brigade: suffix changed from PVO AA Brigade to AA Brigade, first year changed from 1941 to 1943, first month changed from 5 to 2, last year changed from 1941 to 1944, last month changed from 5 to 3, upgrade changed from 0 to [763] 44 AA Brigade, element number 0 changed from 96 to 16, element number 2 changed from 72 to 52, element number 3 changed from 144 to 66.
      99. [768] 43 AA Battalion: suffix changed from AA Battalion to Heavy AA Battalion, element 0 changed from [787] 37mm Anti-aircraft Gun to [806] 85mm Anti-aircraft Gun, element number 1 changed from 16 to 4, element number 2 changed from 11 to 17.
      100. [769] 41 PVO AA Brigade: suffix changed from PVO AA Brigade to Motorized Sapper Battalion, type changed from Anti Air to Engineer, upgrade changed from [767] 43 PVO AA Brigade to [384] 41b Sapper Battalion, element 0 changed from [811] 76mm Anti-aircraft Gun to [800] Sapper Squad 39, element 1 changed from [787] 37mm Anti-aircraft Gun to [1501] Support, element 2 changed from [792] 12.7mm Anti-Aircraft MG to 0, element 3 changed from [814] 7.62mm Quad Anti-Aircraft MG to 0, element 4 changed from [1501] Support to 0, element number 0 changed from 72 to 18, element number 1 changed from 24 to 17, element number 2 changed from 34 to 0, element number 3 changed from 24 to 0, element number 4 changed from 95 to 0.
      101. NEW [600] HQ Rum. High Command.
      102. NEW [749] 43 Heavy Rocket Battalion.
      103. NEW [759] 43 Heavy Rocket Brigade.
      104. NEW [773] 41a PVO AA Regiment.

    Leader changes
      1. [83] Friedrich Hossbach: rank changed from General to Generalleutnant, first year changed from 1942 to 1943, first month changed from 3 to 8, promo 1 year changed from 1942 to 1943, promo 1 month changed from 8 to 11, promo 1 rank changed from Generalleutnant to General, promo 2 year changed from 1943 to 0, promo 2 month changed from 11 to 0, promo 2 day changed from 1 to 0, promo 2 rank changed from General to 0.
      2. [803] Vladimir Aladinsky: rank changed from General-Maior to General-Leitenant, first year changed from 1942 to 1945, first month changed from 11 to 1, promo 1 year changed from 1944 to 0, promo 1 month changed from 2 to 0, promo 1 day changed from 4 to 0, promo 1 rank changed from General-Leitenant to 0.
      3. [809] Nikolai Antonov: first year changed from 1944 to 1943, first month changed from 2 to 7.
      4. [822] Terenty Batsanov: first month changed from 6 to 8.
      5. [850] Semyon Chernobai: first year changed from 1942 to 1941, first month changed from 10 to 1, last year changed from 1942 to 1941, last month changed from 12 to 1.
      6. [860] Sergei I. Denisov: first year changed from 1942 to 1941, first month changed from 11 to 1, last year changed from 1943 to 1941, last month changed from 12 to 1.
      7. [865] Mikhail Dukanhov: last name changed from Dukanhov to Dukhanov, first month changed from 6 to 8.
      8. [871] Vasily Ermachenko: last name changed from Ermachenko to Ermachenkov.
      9. [878] Aleksandr Filaretov: last name changed from Filaretov to Filatov, first name changed from Aleksandr to Alexandr, initiative changed from 3 to 4, political changed from 6 to 4, administrative changed from 3 to 4, infantry changed from 1 to 5, air changed from 4 to 1, mechanized changed from 1 to 3, special changed from Air Only to Ground Only, first year changed from 1941 to 1943, first month changed from 6 to 7.
      10. [881] Ivan Frolov: first year changed from 1943 to 1941, first month changed from 9 to 1, last year changed from 1945 to 1941, last month changed from 12 to 1.
      11. [921] Mikhail Ivanov: initiative changed from 3 to 4, political changed from 5 to 4, infantry changed from 4 to 5, first year changed from 1941 to 1942, first month changed from 6 to 1.
      12. [923] Vasily Kachalov: first name changed from Vasily to Vladimir.
      13. [938] Rafael Khmelnitsky: first name changed from Rafael to Rafail.
      14. [968] Mikhail Kovalev: last name changed from Kovalev to Kovalyov.
      15. [974] Fyodor Krasovsky: first month changed from 6 to 1, last year changed from 1945 to 1941, last month changed from 12 to 1.
      16. [978] Vasily Kryuchenkin: mechanized changed from 2 to 3.
      17. [984] Grigory Kulik: political changed from 9 to 6, administrative changed from 5 to 3, infantry changed from 4 to 3, morale changed from 6 to 3.
      18. [990] Timofei Kutsevalov: last year changed from 1945 to 1942, last month changed from 12 to 7.
      19. [1002] Aleksandr Loktionov: first month changed from 6 to 1, last month changed from 12 to 1.
      20. [1019] Kirill Meretskov: first month changed from 6 to 9.
      21. [1028] Nikolai Moskvin: political changed from 6 to 3.
      22. [1033] Konstantin Neverov: first year changed from 1942 to 1941, last year changed from 1945 to 1941, last month changed from 12 to 1.
      23. [1038] Evgeny Nikolaenko: rank changed from General-Leitenant to General-Maior, promo 1 year changed from 0 to 1945, promo 1 month changed from 0 to 4, promo 1 day changed from 0 to 20, promo 1 rank changed from 0 to General-Leitenant.
      24. [1039] Ivan Nikolaev: last month changed from 12 to 7.
      25. [1045] Nikolai Oslikovsky: mechanized changed from 2 to 3.
      26. [1064] Kuzma Podlas: rank changed from General-Maior to General-Leitenant, last month changed from 12 to 5.
      27. [1070] Iosif Popov: first year changed from 1942 to 1941, first month changed from 10 to 1, last year changed from 1945 to 1941, last month changed from 12 to 1.
      28. [1108] Ernst Shakht: first month changed from 6 to 1, last year changed from 1942 to 1941, last month changed from 12 to 1.
      29. [1109] Timofei Shapkin: last month changed from 12 to 3.
      30. [1132] Georgy Sokolov: first month changed from 6 to 1, last year changed from 1943 to 1941, last month changed from 12 to 1.
      31. [1138] Mikhail Stakhursky: first month changed from 6 to 1, last year changed from 1945 to 1941, last month changed from 12 to 1.
      32. [1155] Viktor Tsyganov: last month changed from 12 to 6.
      33. [1181] Daniil Zhuravlev: infantry changed from 1 to 3, air changed from 4 to 3, special changed from Air Only to Ground Only.
      34. [1184] Efim Zybin: first name changed from Efim to Semyon, political changed from 3 to 4, administrative changed from 3 to 4, infantry changed from 3 to 4, morale changed from 3 to 4.
      35. NEW [1200] Konstantin Komissarov.
      36. NEW [1218] Viktor Rusakov.
      37. NEW [1220] Nikolai Sbytov.
      38. NEW [1239] Alexei Antonov.
      39. NEW [1240] Nikolai Shestopalov.
      40. NEW [1241] Fyodor Sudakov.

    There was a naming mistake in the changelog for 1.11.01’s new feature #23, because in the released version “Ground Attack” aircraft type was renamed to “Tactical Bomber” (not be be confused with old “Tactical Bomber”, that was renamed to “Dive Bomber”).

Happy Gaming!

SparkleyTits -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/24/2018 11:52:09 AM)


weinsoldner -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/24/2018 12:36:33 PM)

GREAT! Thanks

chaos45 -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/24/2018 2:40:43 PM)

so these changes will apply to other 1941-1945 scenerios as well correct? bitter end an such?

thedoctorking -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/24/2018 3:46:06 PM)

Just confirming, a game created under 1.11.01 would load normally under this patch, but no backwards compatibility? Or will we have to start all our games over?

Denniss -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/24/2018 4:45:03 PM)

changes listed for 41-45 campaign are also applied to 41-45 campaign variants, Operation Barbarossa and Road To .. scenarios
Scenarios/saves made with 1.11.02 game executable will not load with older game executables but may be loaded with current and future versions. This is also made to prevent mishaps, data corruption and/or cheating in multiplayer by using different .exe versions

verdugo94 -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/24/2018 5:47:17 PM)

Thanks you!

Balou -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/24/2018 6:12:02 PM)

Awsome, thanks a lot

EwaldvonKleist -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/24/2018 10:10:04 PM)

With the downsizing of Soviet HQ, the ratio support needed/support available stays more or less equal for the Soviets?
From what I have read the Soviets had a constant lack of support equipment and that should be simulated by support shortages in the game->less fatigue reduction/less effective repair (so I think the reduction of Soviet HQs in 1.11.01 was a good thing).

The climb in the Soviet OOB is largely due to the new AA units present in cities?

Denniss -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/25/2018 6:31:30 AM)

If the soviet OOB really climbed it's indeed likely to be caused by city AA as some were significantly enlarged, especially in Moscow and some other large cities.

JamesM -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/25/2018 6:51:28 AM)

Thank you for allowing us to download via a public FTP server, this is the first beta patch for any Matrix game that I did not have any issue downloading.

EwaldvonKleist -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/25/2018 7:09:49 AM)

Soviet OOB climbed by some 100k men and 8k guns or so. Ckecked in in the CR, it is a result of the AA guns only.
More POWs for overrunning Soviet cities [sm=00000622.gif]
Thanks as always for continued support D&D-man.

JamesM -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/25/2018 7:37:14 AM)


MarauderPL -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/25/2018 7:54:46 AM)

Do I see a significant nerf to the quality of life of the Kabuki dancers and other airforce enthusiasts? With the easy airgroup "night mode" off the table, managing air missions seems to be devouring even more micromanagement now, is that correct?

chaos45 -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/25/2018 11:09:48 AM)

looking forward to giving it a spin, like the addition of soviet AA elements as its starting to look like more realistic AA assets for the Soviets. I had found since air strikes had gone up in potency for the Germans the Soviets were needing alot more AA guns as they didnt start the game with much as a baseline.

Also the additional Sapper battalions are interesting not alot of additional soviet CV but a nice touch.

I think this also fixed the late war german LMG shortage in squads if I read the change record right which is good to.

M60A3TTS -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/25/2018 2:44:23 PM)



Do I see a significant nerf to the quality of life of the Kabuki dancers and other airforce enthusiasts? With the easy airgroup "night mode" off the table, managing air missions seems to be devouring even more micromanagement now, is that correct?

Turning units on and off in terms of flying with day/night settings can be replaced by setting their air range to 1, if that's what you're asking.

M60A3TTS -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/25/2018 2:46:15 PM)

Regarding this change:

16. Merging units will no longer cost 1 AP.

This info is a bit incomplete. It is not free, it costs more than 1 now with this patch.

Telemecus -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/25/2018 3:05:40 PM)


Do I see a significant nerf to the quality of life of the Kabuki dancers and other airforce enthusiasts? With the easy airgroup "night mode" off the table, managing air missions seems to be devouring even more micromanagement now, is that correct?

The old fallacy is that you can change the laws faster than people can find ways to use it.

The "both" option was originally made to stop the tactic of either or against the other during their turn. Now I guess it is back, although I suppose the only 1 change per turn is stop that? But you can still hold back most of your air force from deciding whether to be days or nights until after you know the set up of your opponent? If that is the case it would seem to me the old problem of why they introduced the "both" option is back again!

Blubel2 -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/25/2018 8:22:49 PM)

Thanks a lot!

thedoctorking -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/25/2018 10:58:32 PM)

Anybody else detecting a growing lag as you play through a turn? I'm suspecting a memory leak. I'm using Steam, so maybe that's the problem.

AFV -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/26/2018 12:01:28 AM)

M60 what do you mean it costs to merge? There's a difference between incomplete and flat wrong...

M60A3TTS -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/26/2018 1:40:22 AM)



M60 what do you mean it costs to merge? There's a difference between incomplete and flat wrong...


16. Merging units will no longer cost 1 AP.

The statement is factual in that it no longer costs 1AP. But neither is it zero. The statement does not explain what it costs.

AFV -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/26/2018 2:15:44 AM)

Well damn M60 perhaps I should have been clearer- can you elaborate on what the true costs are? :)

Blubel2 -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/26/2018 6:25:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: thedoctorking

Anybody else detecting a growing lag as you play through a turn? I'm suspecting a memory leak. I'm using Steam, so maybe that's the problem.

If using Win 10, you have to use Win 8 compatibility mode. It is a known bug.

Telemecus -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/27/2018 2:29:15 PM)

Was any thought put into the effect of change 7 on the ordinary ground war. I can see why it was thought necessary to make expanding factories less vulnerable to aerial bombing. But as it applies to all damaged factories which are evacuated the Soviet side will be getting a huge boost to their early war production from the factories they ordinarily evacuate because of advancing ground forces.

M60A3TTS -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/27/2018 5:15:19 PM)



Well damn M60 perhaps I should have been clearer- can you elaborate on what the true costs are? :)

Normally I'd tell you to find out for yourself, but since you come from Dallas and I enjoyed living there at one time, I will tell you.

Division = 5
Brigade = 3

BrianG -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/28/2018 2:20:34 AM)

not sure about the severity of rule 21 about cant fly missions if you toggle air unit on and off. seems a little harsh and play restrictive.

56ajax -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/28/2018 4:07:51 AM)





Well damn M60 perhaps I should have been clearer- can you elaborate on what the true costs are? :)

Normally I'd tell you to find out for yourself, but since you come from Dallas and I enjoyed living there at one time, I will tell you.

Division = 5
Brigade = 3

Well I have just merged 4 rifle divisions into 2 rifle divisions at zero (0) cost of Admin points using the Merge function. I assume we are talking at cross purposes?

thedoctorking -> RE: Gary Grigsby's War in the East Public Beta Update v1.11.02 (5/28/2018 7:03:06 PM)



not sure about the severity of rule 21 about cant fly missions if you toggle air unit on and off. seems a little harsh and play restrictive.

The truth is that night and day operations were really distinct in WW2. Air crews got special training for night operations and night bomber and fighter squadrons rarely operated during the day. Switching a squadron over from one to the other would probably have taken more than a week. This rule seems entirely reasonable to me.

If you want to prevent your aircraft from flying for some reason, set their range to 1.

BrianG -> no morale loss (5/29/2018 1:50:08 AM)

an attacker losing not facing morale loss?

It seems reasonable that losing an atttack would cause the attacking units to be more depressed. They might start resenting leadership as incompetent. etc

And thus lower morale?

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