Scourge of War Waterloo has been updated to version 1.03 (Full Version)

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Daniele -> Scourge of War Waterloo has been updated to version 1.03 (6/18/2018 2:03:31 PM)

Hi Everyone!

Scourge of War Waterloo and Collectors Edition have been updated to version 1.03!

You can download the update from here

1.03 Changelog

Tactical AI
o Improved logic of cavalry blocked frontally by friends (applied the same logic currently used by infantry)
o Applied the same antioverlap of infantry logic to the cavalry too
o Skirmishers activation distance no more fixed but corresponding to the reaction range of stance of brigade officer
o Brigade AI will not wheel of own decision, if at least one of his units is currently in a fort (the wheeling forced the brigade (sometime the full brigade) to leave the fort)
o The movement to the back of batteries will be no more stopped if the enemy is too near
o The movement of unlimbered guns at medium\long distance from the enemy is easier
o More skirmishers released for brigade with more aggressive Stances of AI
o Cavalry in Raid stance will not try to charge squares anymore
o Added the special stance Screen for the infantry battalions (specific AI routine different from that one of cavalry)
o Brigades using road march, if AI controlled, will leave the road march when the enemy is too near
o Correction Division Play triggering -> no more Play triggered with no stance assigned to the division commander

Campaign AI
o Correct AI reaction after a retreat from a battle: if attacked again too soon it will retreat to the next safe town or eventually to the base town.

o Pathing: fire and enemy tiles will be no more avoided during the path calculation by part of fighting units.
o Fixed CUnit:Moving: it gaves true if the unit was inside a fort, now return false
o Corrected SplitBrig command
o Added variables for mygui layout: numerical version of artyminrange and artymaxrange:# at place of $ for use the numerical version.
o Command Aattach and Adetach now works properly
o New functions for the AI library: HGround, UnitAIType, UsingRoad, SetForceTimer, GetForceTimer
o Split units (skirmishers) gives no more support bonus
o Added command artyfirecavalry for have artillery to aim only to cavalry units -> new icon created
o Corrected OOB entry for Pelletier, wrong officer type
o Corrected problem of lobby address and added variable $lobbyserverhost in the SOWWL.ini file for manage address changes

Restarting saved multiplayer game; procedure
o One of players save the game before leave
o The save file must be sent to all the players who have to put it in their save directory under “my document\SOWWL” directory
o The host of new restarted game must create in the scenario directory (which has to be same used for the original match) a file named restartmp.ini ; inside the file he has to write
name=<save file name without the extension .sav>
o Host the game like usual, selecting the scenario
o All the players have to select an officer
o Launch the game
o Note:
 Use save files from multiplayer matches, no campaign or singleplayer matches
 If an officer previously used by a player is leaved without human in the restart, it will start the match with TC on

Asid -> RE: Scourge of War Waterloo has been updated to version 1.03 (6/18/2018 2:34:02 PM)

This is great.

Thanks for the update to an excellent wargame.


con20or -> RE: Scourge of War Waterloo has been updated to version 1.03 (6/19/2018 12:57:59 PM)

Great news - thanks everyone!

chris_merchant -> RE: Scourge of War Waterloo has been updated to version 1.03 (7/12/2018 3:40:21 AM)

The products page and ftp direct links page are still showing 1.02 as the only choice.

RHamper -> RE: Scourge of War Waterloo has been updated to version 1.03 (9/9/2018 5:09:27 AM)

How do you ID what version number you have installed?

RebBugler -> RE: Scourge of War Waterloo has been updated to version 1.03 (9/10/2018 6:09:59 PM)



How do you ID what version number you have installed?

Multiplayer screen, upper left corner

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