Old Player reinstalling new game new computer (Full Version)

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stldiver -> Old Player reinstalling new game new computer (6/18/2018 8:21:41 PM)


Got on forums this weekend and got me back interested in WITPAE, Found my old DVD's (don't need anymore as new computer has no DVD),
but tracked my old login and password and downloaded new install
I did the 2015 download not beta.

When all downloaded, I went to folder and did the .exe file and after 15 seconds got the message

Unable to find PW data!!!

I was not using shortcut ( I looked thru forum and saw those comments). Why is it not working properly? Is there a file I am missing?

Let me know thanks, I got the bug again to play.

This is WITPAE, I have also WITP but did not load that so no confusion there.

BBfanboy -> RE: Old Player reinstalling new game new computer (6/18/2018 11:32:58 PM)

Sounds like you did not download the base game first before you downloaded the last official patch.

Most players have to contact Matrix support and provide their disk serial # to have a download of the base game set up for them. After they have that installed, they can run the official patch to update the game.

stldiver -> RE: Old Player reinstalling new game new computer (6/18/2018 11:54:51 PM)

Thanks that has to be it, I only did patch, I'll use DVD to install base game, thru external drive.

stldiver -> RE: Old Player reinstalling new game new computer (6/20/2018 12:20:15 AM)

Ok, I loaded my old DVD, and update 2015, read thru tech
support on windows 10 and my screen now flows great.

Another question, I loaded the 2015 update, but hear talk
about beta update. Is it better to load and run the beta
or go with 2015, if beta is better and fixes a lot of issues
and most use it, I will go that route.

Also if most PBEM, I want to go that route.

Let me know

BBfanboy -> RE: Old Player reinstalling new game new computer (6/20/2018 5:04:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: stldiver

Ok, I loaded my old DVD, and update 2015, read thru tech
support on windows 10 and my screen now flows great.

Another question, I loaded the 2015 update, but hear talk
about beta update. Is it better to load and run the beta
or go with 2015, if beta is better and fixes a lot of issues
and most use it, I will go that route.

Also if most PBEM, I want to go that route.

Let me know

The Beta update is available on the Tech Forum section. The Beta is very stable and many players are very happy with it. I did not feel some of the Air Warfare tweaks they made were needed so I have not adopted it personally. Read the thread that has the Beta and see what it changed from the official patch.

rustysi -> RE: Old Player reinstalling new game new computer (6/22/2018 9:03:34 PM)

The latest Beta fixes what I consider to be one very important thing for the Allies. Late war 'unrep', without the patch it will not function properly/fully, and the Allies are going to need to remain on location to support late war invasions. To clarify that means the Allies will not be able to resupply their combat vessels' main ammo at sea from AE's.

There may be other items that are fixed, as I'm sure, but that's the biggie.

Edit: The patch is 1126b.

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