RE: Mar. 12th, 1944 (Full Version)

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Anachro -> RE: Mar. 12th, 1944 (7/31/2020 2:45:53 PM)

@Lowpe Two turns have passed and oh my the action will probably heat up. I agree with you, but I will not let up in Burma. All my pressure is there and, I got a little bruise these past two turns as a result which I'll explain. Nonetheless, trying to misdirect from Burma with action on the other side of the map is pointless as my units in India would not get there in time anyways. They will continue to hit Burma.

Mar. 14-15, 1944

I had decided to send my fast carriers to India to help with the invasions and they were on their last leg to Ceylon when they ran into John's CVs that had fled from Sabang all the way at the egde of the map far to the west of the Australian town of Carnarvon. Despite no air cover, my units knocked down ~40 Japanese A/C. BB Iowa took a torpedo, but should be fine and is on the way to Capetown. BB Massachusetts took more torpedoes and I thought she'd be a goner, but John didn't spot her last turn. So far...I haven't lost a ship yet there. We'll see. I'm kicking myself for this a bit because when I saw John's carriers move west from Sabang I was seriously considering this happening and thought about sending my BBs to Capetown first and then over; speed won over prudence and I paid the price. I hope BB Massachusetts remains undamaged, but nonetheless the damage to her and Iowa will keep them out for awhile.



Morning Air attack on TF, near Cocos Islands at 16,122

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid detected at 114 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 37 minutes

Japanese aircraft
B6N2 Jill x 13
D4Y3 Judy x 23
N1K2-A George x 66

Japanese aircraft losses
B6N2 Jill: 5 damaged
B6N2 Jill: 2 destroyed by flak
D4Y3 Judy: 4 damaged
D4Y3 Judy: 7 destroyed by flak

Allied Ships
BB New Jersey
BB Alabama, Bomb hits 1
BB Massachusetts, Torpedo hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
BB Iowa


Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Cocos Islands at 16,122

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid detected at 115 NM, estimated altitude 17,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 38 minutes

Japanese aircraft
B6N2 Jill x 12
D4Y3 Judy x 30
N1K2-A George x 66

Japanese aircraft losses
B6N2 Jill: 7 damaged
B6N2 Jill: 2 destroyed by flak
D4Y3 Judy: 8 damaged
D4Y3 Judy: 5 destroyed by flak

Allied Ships
BB Iowa, Torpedo hits 1
BC Strasbourg
BB New Jersey
BB Alabama

Anachro -> RE: Mar. 12th, 1944 (7/31/2020 2:54:09 PM)

It seems our little trips to Wake Island might have sparked John to launch the invasion a little early...things are out in force now. We have awoken the beast, as they say. His comments were "beware the Ides of March!" which I hope to mean he thinks he surprised me with their appearance. Carriers are out in force with ~160 fighters and ~150 bombers, another potential carrier unit too. In my defense situated to the east I have ~650 a/c in CVEs and a CV, mostly fighters, as well as a number of SCTFs.

I have opted to remain back and let my forces get fully gathered while John brings his transports over. Rather the action take place when they are closer to Wake.



Anachro -> RE: Mar. 12th, 1944 (7/31/2020 2:59:51 PM)

In regards to pressure on Burma, we will of course continue. Next round of invasions is leaving this turn from port; follow-on troops are expect immediately after. With the location of John's forces near Wake and the appearance of his other carriers deep off the west coast of Australia, he has abrogated all control of the waters around Burma. I hope to make him pay for that.


BBfanboy -> RE: Mar. 12th, 1944 (7/31/2020 3:08:08 PM)



It seems our little trips to Wake Island might have sparked John to launch the invasion a little early...things are out in force now. We have awoken the beast, as they say. His comments were "beware the Ides of March!" which I hope to mean he thinks he surprised me with their appearance. Carriers are out in force with ~160 fighters and ~150 bombers, another potential carrier unit too. In my defense situated to the east I have ~650 a/c in CVEs and a CV, mostly fighters, as well as a number of SCTFs.

I have opted to remain back and let my forces get fully gathered while John brings his transports over. Rather the action take place when they are closer to Wake.


As IRL, the Japanese have made a plan with too many moving parts and differing objectives. It looks to me like that second TF with all the CVs is there to trap any CV response from you. Your CVs should be able to keep their distance but CVEs are not as fast...

He may have triggered this invasion early because he was almost there and then realized he needs to get those CVs back to Burma. He does like playing offensive action more than defence.
Go Subs! (yours, not John's sandwiches) [:D]

Anachro -> RE: Mar. 12th, 1944 (7/31/2020 3:14:07 PM)

The CVEs and CV are mostly fighters. Out of ~650 AC, I'd say at least 500 are fighters. The main goal here being to provide cover for my SCTFs. If I could blunt any bomber package from him on the first day of engagement so my SCTFs could run wild, that'd be great. I haven't fully decided to engage yet however; Burma is the far more important theater. I don't care much about Wake; in some ways, my taking it earlier to trigger this response makes it almost worth it.

I should not that the enemy CV force on the right, the one with ~300 A/C, appears to have jumped at flank speed to the east of Wake Island on the 14th, hoping to catch my transports (he didn't). I'd imagine it used up a decent amount of fuel or endurance doing that.

BBfanboy -> RE: Mar. 12th, 1944 (7/31/2020 3:30:43 PM)



The CVEs and CV are mostly fighters. Out of ~650 AC, I'd say at least 500 are fighters. The main goal here being to provide cover for my SCTFs. If I could blunt any bomber package from him on the first day of engagement so my SCTFs could run wild, that'd be great. I haven't fully decided to engage yet however; Burma is the far more important theater. I don't care much about Wake; in some ways, my taking it earlier to trigger this response makes it almost worth it.

I should not that the enemy CV force on the right, the one with ~300 A/C, appears to have jumped at flank speed to the east of Wake Island on the 14th, hoping to catch my transports (he didn't). I'd imagine it used up a decent amount of fuel or endurance doing that.

John does love flanks speed too! You got 16% of his AO fleet. Any more loss of AOs will give him pause, unless he has more of them out there. He can also refuel from long range ships like the AMCs and LSDs in an emergency.

Not sure of the LCU additions in this mod - I don't think there are many because John doesn't like the ground game as much as the naval and air side. Would be interesting to see what happens if you manage to sink enough of his transports to make a stalemate invasion. He has BBs for initial bombardment but would have to go to Eniwetok to reload. Any chance of bombing the port there?

Lowpe -> RE: Mar. 12th, 1944 (7/31/2020 3:37:04 PM)

My god, how many cvs does Japan get![X(]

You can trade a CVE if you manage to destroy 300 planes....if you have mustered 500 decent piloted fighters there I would be sorely tempted to attempt to absorb a least one strike.

If you arrange to have your carriers spotted, then the vast majority of Japanese air strikes will make a beeline for them, and leave everything cruiser sized and smaller alone, or with fragmented small attacks.

So, I would try to position your carrier force within strike range of Wake, while sending in waves of 3-4 ship fletchers, mahans etc perhaps led by a Brooklyn. Look to drain ammo and really savage a 1st day alpha air strike. Or, if you can attract a first day alpha strike and savage it with your fighters, Japan will think you have no teeth and will surge their sags forward trying for a surface engagement.

Lots of chess moves here. Think two or three days ahead and try to pre-position some subs where you think his CVs will go...and that will cover you CVs.

Lowpe -> RE: Mar. 12th, 1944 (7/31/2020 3:38:20 PM)



John does love flanks speed too! You got 16% of his AO fleet. Any more loss of AOs will give him pause, unless he has more of them out there. He can also refuel from long range ships like the AMCs and LSDs in an emergency.

I never used oilers that way as Japan, but I did use Lima and Adens that way and not in an emergency, but all the time.

Anachro -> Mar. 19th, 1944 (8/3/2020 1:39:44 PM)

Mar. 19th, 1944

John takes Wake in a one day landing shock attack and I back off as, despite ample recon, I lose sight of his TFs for two days; rather than fight what I can't see, I bring my forces back to Pearl as I'll need them for future landings. In the mean time, John's carriers return off Austrlia and finish off BB Massachusetts before she can get to safety. John also seems to have designs on Manus, so we are reinforcing that with an additional regiment and supply. The good news is our landings at Pegu in Burma are a success and we expect breakthroughs there. John has lots of troops in Burma, but I've drawn a lot further north to deal with my forces pushing in by land, he has 50k trapped south at Moulmein and ~30k at Rangoon. We'll see what happens.


Anachro -> RE: Mar. 19th, 1944 (8/3/2020 1:47:50 PM)

Notice the Japanese division moving out of Ramree Island; once it leave's I'll take it to bring in supply for my nearby forces.

Lowpe -> RE: Mar. 12th, 1944 (8/3/2020 2:17:42 PM)

Either that is a mutant unit at Ramree, or more likely there is more than one unit there.[:)]

What did he Wake with? Japan doing atoll invasions in 1944 is pretty unheard of unless the Allies just took it.

Anachro -> RE: Mar. 12th, 1944 (8/3/2020 2:19:11 PM)

2 Brigades, but I hadn't really reinforced the island, so partially my fault. Seems he was 100% prepped though. He also has plans for Manus and Midway, but both have at least 150 AV or more and 4 forts. The DL on Ramree is 9/10, think it's only 1 unit.

Lowpe -> RE: Mar. 12th, 1944 (8/3/2020 2:29:37 PM)



2 Brigades, but I hadn't really reinforced the island, so partially my fault. Seems he was 100% prepped though. He also has plans for Manus and Midway, but both have at least 150 AV or more and 4 forts.

Marcus, Wake and Midway. No more important atolls in the Pacific than those three I think. They are like daggers pointed at Japan's heart growing ever bigger...especially when Marcus falls as then Japan needs to not only look at the Marianas but also the Jimas and even Hokkaido/Kuriles.

Don't lose the dot base next to Midway. It can provide a base for rearming, making life on Midway very difficult. It is also a great pby base, and a place to hide ships for ambush. I used it to hide the KB once and utterly destroy an Allied invasion once upon a time. I don't think John uses dot bases much, though.

Anachro -> Mar. 20th, 1944 (8/6/2020 5:08:32 AM)

Mar. 20th, 1944

The turn I've been waiting the last few days for and one where my hope turned out to be true: Pegu falls in one day's fighting and now I have a key juncture from which to begin the investment of Rangoon in earnest. Based on his emails, John appears to have been surprised by this and mentions that "if [he] had known that Pegu could be invaded by sea I would have had 2+ IDs there like everywhere else on the coast."

Pegu controls the movement to Moulmein, Rangoon nearby, and the railway heading north into the interior of Burma. In other words, it is the most critical square for his rail lines. I aim to move quickly and finish up the Burmese campaign as soon as possible? How? I have more divisions prepped to finish things off, including 2 American divisions solely prepped for taking Rangoon. These reinforcements will be brought in shortly. Initial main goals: cut off the escape of troops at Rangoon and towards the Indian border, take Rangoon, and take Moulmein to free up the 1500AV there and cripple the numerous IJA forces there.

Also, another good sign: notice the lack of supply for the Japanese units at Pegu, I believe this is common across the whole area: John does not have much supply.


RangerJoe -> RE: Mar. 20th, 1944 (8/6/2020 5:20:07 AM)



Mar. 20th, 1944

The turn I've been waiting the last few days for and one where my hope turned out to be true: Pegu falls in one day's fighting and now I have a key juncture from which to begin the investment of Rangoon in earnest. Based on his emails, John appears to have been surprised by this and mentions that "if [he] had known that Pegu could be invaded by sea I would have had 2+ IDs there like everywhere else on the coast."

Pegu controls the movement to Moulmein, Rangoon nearby, and the railway heading north into the interior of Burma. In other words, it is the most critical square for his rail lines. I aim to move quickly and finish up the Burmese campaign as soon as possible? How? I have more divisions prepped to finish things off, including 2 American divisions solely prepped for taking Rangoon. These reinforcements will be brought in shortly. Initial main goals: cut off the escape of troops at Rangoon and towards the Indian border, take Rangoon, and take Moulmein to free up the 1500AV there and cripple the numerous IJA forces there.

Also, another good sign: notice the lack of supply for the Japanese units at Pegu, I believe this is common across the whole area: John does not have much supply.


Nicely done. All that he would have to do is to take a look at the base and see the possibility of port facilities.

Anachro -> RE: Mar. 20th, 1944 (8/6/2020 1:09:10 PM)

I just checked and it's not possible to build port facilities. Still possible to land there though. Interesting.


RangerJoe -> RE: Mar. 20th, 1944 (8/6/2020 1:26:03 PM)

That is interesting.

But other people have invaded there, how does John III not know this?

Lowpe -> RE: Mar. 20th, 1944 (8/6/2020 2:54:28 PM)

John doesn't read any he has never seen this pulled off before.

He obviously doesn't look at the hex side details on the map. You could perhaps closely examine those going forward and surprise John again by invasion, cutting off retreat path, etc.

Chickenboy -> RE: Mar. 20th, 1944 (8/6/2020 2:59:46 PM)


Nicely done. All that he would have to do is to take a look at the base and see the possibility of port facilities.

Yup. Doom on him for not understanding the map. Double doom on him for not having dedicated (and prepared) defenders on Pegu. Fort levels='2'? In 1944? [:-]

ETA: "Gardner's Horse Regiment"? [&:]

Anachro -> RE: Mar. 20th, 1944 (8/6/2020 3:30:39 PM)


You could perhaps closely examine those going forward and surprise John again by invasion, cutting off retreat path, etc.

Like an invasion in a non-base hex? Up the river?


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

ETA: "Gardner's Horse Regiment"? [&:]

Yes, they are very good cavalrymen. Hehe, the British get a few small little "cavalry" tank units like them, pretty similar to, actually a little stronger than, the Army and Marine tank battalions.

"The 2nd Lancers (Gardner's Horse) is one of the oldest and most highly decorated armoured regiments of the Indian Army. It was originally raised in 1809. It served in the Nepal and First World War. During the reconstruction of the British Indian Army in 1922 it was amalgamated with the 4th Cavalry."


BBfanboy -> RE: Mar. 20th, 1944 (8/6/2020 3:36:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

ETA: "Gardner's Horse Regiment"? [&:]

For pulling the plows through the (land) minefields![X(]

RangerJoe -> RE: Mar. 20th, 1944 (8/6/2020 3:46:26 PM)




ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

ETA: "Gardner's Horse Regiment"? [&:]

For pulling the plows through the (land) minefields![X(]

Don't knock the Cavalry! [:@] I should design a Cavalry Division to be used instead of the First (Chicken) Cavalry Division. It became an infantry division in World War II.

Chickenboy -> RE: Mar. 20th, 1944 (8/6/2020 11:36:21 PM)




You could perhaps closely examine those going forward and surprise John again by invasion, cutting off retreat path, etc.

Like an invasion in a non-base hex? Up the river?


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

ETA: "Gardner's Horse Regiment"? [&:]

Yes, they are very good cavalrymen. Hehe, the British get a few small little "cavalry" tank units like them, pretty similar to, actually a little stronger than, the Army and Marine tank battalions.

Ah. So. That's more like it. Of course, the Japanese have "Cavalry Regiments" in China too. But they're literally horse-mounted cavalry.

Lowpe -> RE: Mar. 20th, 1944 (8/6/2020 11:49:52 PM)




You could perhaps closely examine those going forward and surprise John again by invasion, cutting off retreat path, etc.

Like an invasion in a non-base hex? Up the river?

No, not non base, rather there are some other bases that aren't obvious invasion hexes, or that the water blocks movement to and from, or that mines are more effective in.

Up river invasions aren't normally done so that is a possibility as the game progresses.

RangerJoe -> RE: Mar. 20th, 1944 (8/7/2020 12:00:12 AM)

Palembang is up river. So is the Soviet base with the IL-2 factory. Both can be invaded.

Anachro -> RE: Mar. 20th, 1944 (8/9/2020 1:37:29 PM)

Well, somehow John was able to work his nav strike distance to just hit Moulmein and not my carriers one hex over; I lose a CL and some nice fast xAPs in the process. I doubt I'll stop his Moulmein forces from escaping. My troops are at Rangoon, but the 600AV there is being feisty in defense; John claims he has slowed down his other game to focus on this one. I don't know if he expects me to land additional troops, and part of my wonders from his emails if he thinks he can old (he might think I've shot my wad as he was surprised with forces already committed), but I have 3 more divisions heading to Rangoon and 1-2 heading to Moulmein. Will post pictures in a couple days.

AKEs and AEs at Akyab allow re-arming of my CAs and BBs for bombardments.

Anachro -> RE: Mar. 20th, 1944 (8/9/2020 1:44:27 PM)

I was planning to reinforce Manus, but just as my reinforcement convoy and some accompanying SCTF protection was passing by Finschafen, I spot KB2 hanging out at Truk with ~200 fighters and ~100 bombers. I have ample fighter coverage between Manus and Port Moresby, but nonetheless I'm wary. I send my troops and supplies to PM where I will reinforce Manus by air for now. AV should rise to ~280-300 over the course of time and supplies are going up.

Anachro -> April 1st, 1944 (8/11/2020 3:15:31 PM)

April 1st, 1944

Rangoon seems poised to fall. John said it will be an exciting April 1944, so I'm sure he has some invasions planned in the Pacific: Manus and Midway come to mind, but both have level 3-4 forts. Manus will have 250 AV rising to 300 and Midway has 120 AV, 4 forts, and obviously quick reinforcement from Pearl.


Lowpe -> RE: April 1st, 1944 (8/11/2020 5:09:09 PM)

how many b29s do you have now....Rangoon/Pegu can reach a lot of targets!

Anachro -> RE: April 1st, 1944 (8/11/2020 5:29:46 PM)

B29 arrives this month, so at the moment 0 are in the pool. Sigint shows John is reinforcing Singapore with another division.

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