HobbesACW -> Supply into ports (6/21/2018 9:13:40 PM)
Hi folks, I've started the Grenada 83 scenario and am confused by a couple of things. Mainly about supply coming across the sea. How does that work? To the west in the circled area I have no supply base but I do have supply. I assume this is coming from Guam? Does it have to come through one of the ports I have captured? In a previous post I saw that ports have no influence on supply. [image]local://upfiles/11063/63D673A56B884C5EBE3BA4E3474B43D7.jpg[/image] Also what are the Evac hexes for? For such a detailed scenario briefing I can find nothing about these. I assume they are a location to evacuate the students to but it seems strange that I can find no mention of this. Maybe I missed something.