thekman -> More Replay Issues (6/24/2018 9:33:15 PM)
So my hard drive went on my desktop that I was playing two games. That was Win 7. Version 1.13. So I went to the lap top which is Win 8.1, game version the same 1.13. For some reason now I can't see the replays. It doesn't give me the option to answer yes or no. That window doesn't even come up. Just goes right to the options page. I can't pull any files from the other computer I was playing, since I am unable (at this time) to get into the drive. How can I get the option to see replays back (with out starting new games?) I assume this is happening since I'm on another computer. If there is a file I need to pull, I can look on my back up to see if there was one backed up, but I doubt I had that folder to back up. Or can the file be sent by the other player?