temkc5 -> Counter-insurgency (6/26/2018 9:58:30 PM)
Recently I downloaded a scenario from the forum(1) in which you used infantry to attack a multi-unit air base and over a period of time you slowly win each unit that made up the air base back to your side And then I watched War Machine starring Brad Pitt. I said to myself wouldn't it be fun if we could do this in Command? Imagine for a moment if you will a scenarios whereby you're in charge of a Air Assault Brigade (2) tasked with enabling literal and figurative bridge building in a country torn apart by War Now the scene is set the task for the LUA Wizard's if you choose to accept it: Create a dynamic script for COIN operations that can be added to any scenario visual aid https://youtu.be/K0IP-kSeTP0 Or if you don't care for Brad Pitt's character in this movie https://youtu.be/0TquEqK2vlI (1)Apologies matrix forum search doesn't allow me to find the scenario again to give credit to the author) (2) Unit counts be damned 😉 (COW with the latest update allows you to pick troops back up again I guess we could keep it to a battalion or even squad level this is really depending on how good the script will be) All ideas are welcome