Shadrach -> RE: Unable to resize the right-hand controls? (8/2/2018 4:58:53 PM)
Well, since all these new high-resolution displays are coming - all the more reason to do the changes needed to display your application properly on them, isn't it [:)] But the fact is, 4K displays was pushed out by the monitor vendors way before the most software was ready for it - meaning the last years have been a battle for developers to keep up. Unfortunately, many developers don't even know about DPI scaling, or how to deal with it. And true, especially for niche wargames, with their small grognard market and diminishing profits, it might not always be worth it. But do we want a situation where the games we love are stuck in a world where the 1990s 1024x768 CRT monitor is the only system they can be played on? Anyway, this is all very well documented from Microsoft, and what steps needed to be done for developers to make their applications work on hi-DPI displays. What we are talking about is just applications being able to handle when people like me use DPI scaling, for various reasons like bad eyesight and so on. 1440p isn't exactly "hi-DPI" either. FPRS isn't even too bad, the developers seem to have used pretty much standard Windows controls in the UI, and it actually looks pretty good with scaling, like I said. The fix needed is simply to be able to just drag the right-most part of the UI out, to fit the text, but it lacks the controls to do so. It really should be a simple fix. Bigger problem is of course the size of the bitmaps, like terrain tiles and the counters, and this is a bigger task to fix, as the game would need to provide different tiles and counters for different resolutions. Not impossible to do, but a lot more work obviously. Hopefully they can do this in their new game, as the terrain and units would otherwise be *really* small in for instance 4K. Not that I have any plans to move to 4K in any near future, and I would advise against it for anyone else as well.