I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (Full Version)

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exsonic01 -> I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (8/7/2018 12:47:07 AM)

Can we see some screenshots, at least? [:D]

Thank you for your effort for this great wargame.

CapnDarwin -> RE: I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (8/7/2018 2:41:35 AM)

Being worked on a lot. Summer has seen various Cons and vacation and family events. We are not quite ready for screenshots just yet. I can say we are pouring a ton of effort into the UI, Scenario Editor, data structures, maps and scenario setups for the new game engine. As with all small team projects, things are going slower than we would like, hitting more bugs than we would like, coming up with more features and ideas that we have to relegate to future builds, and also looking at getting a few more heads and hands involved to make this all work out. We want to start talking about the new stuff and the changes as bad as you want to hear about them. [:D] We are all going to have to wait a bit longer. [8D]

Searry -> RE: I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (9/8/2018 9:23:14 PM)

Any news? [;)]

CapnDarwin -> RE: I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (9/9/2018 2:10:21 PM)

Repost from Facebook a few days ago. Sums up where we are right now.

Things have been quiet for a while and I wanted to let everyone know that we are still working hard on Southern Storm. We are behind on schedule due to a number of real-life items with the team, vacations, illness, and jobs. As soon as we get our website up and running (that's on me atm), we will start talking about some of the new features and changes to our Cold Wars game engine that we will use for Southern Storm. For now, enjoy the end of your summer (or other region-specific weather)!

Once things calm down a bit more we will start talking about the game. Rob has been coding a bunch and the rest of the team is dealing with many other things like data, combat/spotting refactoring of the code, art and documentation, maps and scenarios, and a number of other items we need for the game. Screenshots will have to wait for a while until we have thing finalized enough to not just be confusing. We are doing many UI/UX changes for the new game engine that should help with some of the rough edges Red Storm had.

Once I have some game information to pass on, you guys will be the first to know. Thanks! [8D]

MikeJ19 -> RE: I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (9/9/2018 11:27:11 PM)


Keep up the good work and thanks for the update.

All the best,

MaxDamage -> RE: I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (9/10/2018 11:58:27 AM)

I hope the best improvements will be carried into FCRS as well. This way i m actually also looking forward for a new game even if im playing the old one.

CapnDarwin -> RE: I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (9/10/2018 6:44:44 PM)


The improvements are going to be in the new game engine for Southern Storm. There are so many major changes that we are just not backward compatible with Red Storm at this point. Our plan is to redo the Red Storm content (Maps, scenarios, and campaigns) at some point after Southern's release as a DLC module (hopefully with a major discount for RS/GR owners-that still needs to be worked out with everyone). That's all down the road a bit, but we will keep you guys informed.

Searry -> RE: I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (9/12/2018 11:23:53 AM)

Sounds good. Can't wait for more of the best WEGO action!

WABAC -> RE: I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (10/12/2018 5:08:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: CapnDarwin


The improvements are going to be in the new game engine for Southern Storm. There are so many major changes that we are just not backward compatible with Red Storm at this point. Our plan is to redo the Red Storm content (Maps, scenarios, and campaigns) at some point after Southern's release as a DLC module (hopefully with a major discount for RS/GR owners-that still needs to be worked out with everyone). That's all down the road a bit, but we will keep you guys informed.

Any chance that existing user-created content will be included in any future DLC if it is deemed worthy?

It sounds like Hex Draw will be consigned to the dustbin of Flashpoint map-making history?

If it looks like it will take longer than ten-twelve months I might plod away on a couple more scenarios.

CapnDarwin -> RE: I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (10/12/2018 6:45:52 PM)

WABAC, no current plans for any Red Storm DLC with everyone working on getting Southern Storm up and running. Map making for Southern Storm is still being done along the same lines with William creating new maps for the conflict area. There are also changes to the data file formats which is why the RS maps would need to be reworked as noted above. If folks make or update Red Storm content, just let me know so I can get them uploaded to the public FTP site.

WABAC -> RE: I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (10/12/2018 6:55:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: CapnDarwin

WABAC, no current plans for any Red Storm DLC with everyone working on getting Southern Storm up and running. Map making for Southern Storm is still being done along the same lines with William creating new maps for the conflict area. There are also changes to the data file formats which is why the RS maps would need to be reworked as noted above. If folks make or update Red Storm content, just let me know so I can get them uploaded to the public FTP site.

Can't seem to attach a file in this forum.

New file can be found here:


Akmatov -> RE: I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (11/1/2018 6:22:37 PM)

thx for keeping us informed so frequently

CapnDarwin -> RE: I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (11/1/2018 7:30:20 PM)

I wish we had more to say or something to show but we are deep into feature work and debugging. Lots of debugging. We are working to get to a "pre-alpha" playable slice of the engine. Something with most of the main new feature in and somewhat doing what they need to do while we get other areas of the code cleaned up and tested out. There are two of us hip dip and sinking in all of the new data related information added in the new game engine. The number of platform types and specials has exploded from Red Storm and it is taking time to get it all integrated both in data files and code. Once we are happy with a decent working slice I'm sure we will start to crack the seal and start talking about and showing off some things as we get into a beta position. Once we get there, we will be looking for additional testers and will let you all know.

Thanks for keeping up the interest in the next game! [8D]

Mark Florio -> RE: I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (12/20/2018 11:22:46 AM)

I can say that it feels like it is going to be a really cool scenario! Activates 7 Corps. :) all I will say for now.

CapnDarwin -> RE: I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (12/20/2018 2:53:35 PM)

As a holiday update, we are all working on getting a working slice (fancy words meaning that we have shoved in all the new features for the build and the game compiles, but debugging and UI/UX work will be ongoing during the alpha phase) going for the end of January to our internal schedule. The word is from the crew, when we get there we can start talking about the game, new features and some screens. Everything will as per software standards be subject to change as we go through alpha and beta. We are working on everything from code to design docs to data work to documentation formats to maps to scenario backgrounds to testing and debugging to artwork and to maps and many things inbetween. We will be very busy over the holidays on the game and also time with friends and family.

So from the team, have a safe and wonderful time celebrating the holidays and cheers for a bright and good new year for all! [sm=love0059.gif]

MikeJ19 -> RE: I'm still waiting for the news of FPC-SS... (12/20/2018 8:24:35 PM)

Capn Darwin,

Thanks for the update. I am looking forward to playing this game!

Happy holidays to your team!

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