Oberst_Klink -> RE: Worried about longevity (8/16/2018 5:11:57 PM)
ORIGINAL: pvthudson01 I want to get TOAW IV after owning the other so long but I am worried about longevity. There are only so many creator made scenarios before you have to rely on playing untested, unbalanced community made scenarios. Is there enough content in the game to keep it going for long? Also do the big scenarios still NOT work when it comes to playing against the AI? I used to hate that the mammoth scenarios didnt work with AI on the old engine are we looking at the same issue? There are 1,000+ scenarios available, if you count the once that were made for the predecessors... most of them being adjusted (or in the process of) to TOAW IV. The community will always keep scenarios coming... I know... ever since I bought TOAW 20+ years ago :) Klink, Oberst