Question about RetreatUE (Full Version)

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Mathieas -> Question about RetreatUE (8/17/2018 3:22:14 PM)

HI all!
I have been enjoying Distant Worlds Universe for quite sometime. My normal setup was DW Extended, Extended AI and Das Chrome. I have recently started looking into RetreatsUE, UEII and UEI. That being said I have had a hard time understanding the differences between RetreatUE and UEII. My understanding of UEI vs UEII is that UEII is the next evolution of the UE mod set(UEII has everything UEI does but perhaps tweaked and adds new content?)... but what does the RetreatUE add to the mix? Is there a general sense for what mods or mod set are being used the most that give the most immersive and challenge play through? My goal atm is to keep much of the game play style i was used to intact(better AI, more races but still vanilla ish in feel) while adding the cool new tech tree and add some new level of challenge.

On a side note I did try to get the Bacon mod to work but received a random exception crash every other time i loaded and so removed it for the time being.

Thank you for your time,


Mathieas -> RE: Question about RetreatUE (8/18/2018 6:54:08 AM)

Hey all i found all the answers to my questions above. I wrote a post with everything I learned but the forums ate it and now it is gone. If anyone happens to have the same questions I did just send me a PM I will point you to where i found my answers.

Andrewt99 -> RE: Question about RetreatUE (5/21/2019 4:02:33 AM)

I as well would like an answer to this question and I did not find a post with everything.

Retreat1970 -> RE: Question about RetreatUE (5/21/2019 5:57:45 PM)

RetreatUE is UEII with 5 more races, Better AI ship design, AI research scripting, and more small stuff. It plays a hard game and should be challenging.

Siddham -> RE: Question about RetreatUE (10/3/2019 8:45:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: Retreat1970

RetreatUE is UEII with 5 more races, Better AI ship design, AI research scripting, and more small stuff. It plays a hard game and should be challenging.

Hello Retreat1970
Is there a thread you can link where I can read some details on your mod RetreatUE

Retreat1970 -> RE: Question about RetreatUE (10/3/2019 11:39:13 PM)

Read UEII description here

I'm sure I added a readme for anything else. Remember RetreatUE is built on top of UEII so the UEII description is accurate (mostly).

I just lurk here mostly for DW2 news. I haven't played in years so I can't reliably remember the game anymore.

Siddham -> RE: Question about RetreatUE (10/4/2019 4:44:25 PM)

Thanks Retreat1970
I have read several posts here and there recommending your mod so I hope to try it eventually
I am still pretty much a beginner learning how to play manually

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