Are yellow hexes during left mouse press a bug? (Full Version)

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jack54 -> Are yellow hexes during left mouse press a bug? (8/18/2018 3:16:21 PM)

Hi again,

I noticed a screen flash when left clicking to highlight a unit. Then found that it's actually highlighting hexes that can be seen when holding the left mouse button. What are these hexes?

(I'm sorry if I missed an explanation but I couldn't find it in the manual or Hot-key list[&:])



bcgames -> RE: Are yellow hexes during left mouse press a bug? (8/20/2018 1:59:45 AM)

Good question. I don't know. We'll need to wait till Brian is back for an answer.

MrClock -> RE: Are yellow hexes during left mouse press a bug? (8/23/2018 10:53:56 AM)

Yellow hexagons appear only if the movement reaches the control area of known enemy units (or where they can be supposed to be).

I believe it's a warning (units may not be able to reach the position or be engaged in a battle).

Saint Ruth -> RE: Are yellow hexes during left mouse press a bug? (8/24/2018 10:24:02 AM)



Yellow hexagons appear only if the movement reaches the control area of known enemy units (or where they can be supposed to be).

I believe it's a warning (units may not be able to reach the position or be engaged in a battle).

Yes, MrClock is correct! [8D]

jack54 -> RE: Are yellow hexes during left mouse press a bug? (8/24/2018 3:17:52 PM)

Ok.... thanks to you both[:)]

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