Anachro -> RE: Greatest WWII Movie--EVER! (9/3/2018 2:02:53 AM)
ORIGINAL: Canoerebel Oh, man. Arg. What a movie! Who doesn't relish a rollicking WWII movie with a groovie, pot-smoking '60s feel to it? "I'll see your M*A*S*H and raise you one!" Thank goodness Hollywood never injected a granola-eating, animal-hugging character into an 1870s Great Plains epic <cough, cough: Dances With Wolves> nor a debauched, Las Vegas-striptease aura to a southern highlands Civil War flik <hack, hack: Cold Mountain>. John III: troll. I don't remember much of Dances With Wolves, but I do remember seeing Cold Mountain in theaters and enjoying it for the most part. A few years back, probably over a decade now, I had a chance to visit a number of historical Civil War sites throughout the South and the border states. Part of this included seeing the site of The Battle of the Crater during the siege of Petersburg, which is shown briefly in the movie.