PBEM Get Started Tutorial (Full Version)

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pzgndr -> PBEM Get Started Tutorial (9/4/2018 5:14:26 PM)

I have created a tutorial intended to help new players start and play a new game, either as host or client. For this exercise, Great Britain will be the game host, France and Russia will be clients, and the rest (Austria, Prussia, Spain, and Turkey) will be AI computer opponents.

Hopefully this will be helpful. If there are any corrections needed or improvements that could be made, just let me know and I can update this. I also intend to update the instructions in the User Manual for v1.23 to clarify a few things.

timolang63 -> RE: PBEM Get Started Tutorial (9/4/2018 7:21:11 PM)

It's helpful, yes. But I'm still getting an error Russian setup phase, step 5. When I try to load the pbm file I get the following error:

"Cannot open file "D:\\Matrix Games\Graphics\ui\buttons\yes.bmp"

followed by

"Cannot open file "D:\\Matrix Games\Graphics\ui\buttons\ok.bmp"

Since I have multiple Matrix games, the file path should be:

D:\\Matrix Games\Empires in Arms\Graphics\ui\buttons\yes.bmp"

I tried copying the Graphics file one level up to match, but it didn't work.

pzgndr -> RE: PBEM Get Started Tutorial (9/4/2018 7:33:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: timolang63
When I try to load the pbm file I get the following error:
"Cannot open file "D:\\Matrix Games\Graphics\ui\buttons\yes.bmp"
followed by
"Cannot open file "D:\\Matrix Games\Graphics\ui\buttons\ok.bmp"

That's something else. As I have posted several times before, I strongly recommend a clean installation of the original game setup, a reboot, and then installation of the comprehensive update and hotfix. Also ensure you have compatibility setting for WinXp, Service Pack 2. Sorry, it's an old program now and we need to give it some TLC to keep going.

timolang63 -> RE: PBEM Get Started Tutorial (9/4/2018 9:14:21 PM)

Thanks. I did do the comprehensive uninstall, reboot, update and hotfix.

Revealing my ignorance I don't know what "compatibility setting for WinXp, Service Pack 2" means.

Install support tools? Change something in settings? I have Win10 Home.

pzgndr -> RE: PBEM Get Started Tutorial (9/4/2018 9:43:12 PM)

Right-click on the game executable and select Properties. Then set compatibility. Hopefully that does it.


Silverwings -> RE: PBEM Get Started Tutorial (4/18/2020 1:20:40 PM)


We are playing a PBEM game with 7 players.

Setup was finished, 1st diplomace started.

Austria has a strange issue: when they open their SAVE game (not the start game), they end up in the Austrain SETUP phase again (with nothing deployed...everything has te be done yet).

When I check his save game, it is dated as today...

All setup files are in his commin (we even added his own). All diplomacy files are also in his commin (except SPAIN and his own).

What is he doing wrong? For all other players it is working perfectly.

Kind regards,

Edit: GB is reporting the same problem with his file.

pzgndr -> RE: PBEM Get Started Tutorial (4/18/2020 2:04:28 PM)

Hi Tom, I tried emailing a response but it kept bouncing back.

My guess is Austria did not copy his own setup from commout to commin, but you say you added it. He might need to exit the game and restart so the game re-reads all of his commin files. Sounds like you're doing it correctly, should work. Try again?

FYI, I am getting ready to post a hotfix for the v1.23.05 Beta. Nothing changes for setup and diplomacy and you'll be able to continue.

Silverwings -> RE: PBEM Get Started Tutorial (4/18/2020 2:38:54 PM)

Hi Bill,

Thanks for answering.

I can see all 7 setups are in his commin.

But still stuck in setup phase.

Kind regards,

pzgndr -> RE: PBEM Get Started Tutorial (4/18/2020 4:05:25 PM)

OK, I got a second opinion from Mapleleaf who has considerable pbem experience:


I suspect “operator error”….he likely clicked on the game start file by mistake after doing his setup. I always remind players to use the game start file only once.

Unfortunately, when the game is in the Diplomacy cycle, backups aren’t the solution. As host I always make sure I’m the last one to do Diplomacy in case things bugger up. That way I can make new backups, before the game enters Diplomacy.

I don’t see any option other than for the Austrian player to delete game files and just use the game start file and load the set up files before his setup, do his setup again and then the players after that will likely have to do their setup.

There’s no reason for any player other than Spain to have any Diplomacy files in their commin folder.

In short – there’s likely nothing wrong with the game. The manual spells out the process quite clearly. Getting players to follow it is a different issue!

Hope this helps.

OK, so either Austria should delete all game files and do his setup again, or perhaps start a new game. The v1.23.05 Beta Hotfix is up and available now.

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