Rosseau -> Panzer Doctrine on Steam (9/16/2018 1:32:55 AM)
This game is a strategic/tactical mix with results reported to individual tank losses, etc. In 35 years, have played almost all, but this one might be worth the consideration of some, especially at $15. The Strategic "RTS" type movement screen looks a bit lacking, but one must pause and look at the depth. You start out by customizing your forces. This takes me some time and is quite enjoyable. It is a difficult single-player game, even on Easy, so of course I mod to give myself some extra points, which really opens up the customization options. Anyone who does get the game, just PM me and I will share my "secret" as needed. At least in the initial scenarios (you can play them individually or as part of several East Front campaigns) the AI is quite active. The Dev is also more than just active and is tweaking all these small things for the current small player base he has. Patches and hot fixes come nearly every other day. I have an embarrassing number of wargames, but none are exactly like this one. For $15, it breaks through my somewhat jaded wargaming heart!