Victory Conditions Screen (Full Version)

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pzgndr -> Victory Conditions Screen (9/23/2018 11:57:55 PM)

So, I managed to get something accomplished today. All those victory conditions are defined in the .tpj data files, so those needed to be edited to get the changes to work. Another item crossed off the ToDo list...


Pans -> RE: Victory Conditions Screen (9/24/2018 7:18:30 AM)

Hi Bill,
thatsīs great. Thanks a lot.

pzgndr -> RE: Victory Conditions Screen (9/24/2018 12:30:39 PM)

I also managed to fix the Units To Remove list, to show units like leaders and fleets. Not sure why units were coded differently than the other two lists, but easy enough to fix once I got into it.

I say "easy enough", now, but it's taken a lot of time to learn how to deal with these forms, these popup windows with check boxes and such. So now I can edit things like making the Conditions box a bit wider to accommodate the condition numbers, and making the Units To Remove box narrower. Big trick was figuring out where(?) the damn conditions were defined. It's not in the code, but in the .tpj file. So I learned something new there, and can use that info for something else I want to fix. Onward!

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: Victory Conditions Screen (9/26/2018 1:22:07 PM)

This is the list of conditions in .tpj on table 16th

Term name Term ID Number Type Number E1 E2 E3 Nation
7 A1 Remove No Forces 1 CL 0 B1 B4 -1
8 A2 Pay No Reparations 2 CL 0 B3 -1
9 A3 No Special Truces 3 CL 0 B2 -1
10 A4 No Trade Embargo 4 CL 0 B6 -1
11 A5 Cede No Land 5 CL 0 B7 -1
12 B1 Remove 3 Corps 6 C 3 C1 B4 C3 -1
13 B2 Enforced Peace 24 7 B 24 C4 -1
14 B3 Reparations 1/2 8 B 50 C5 -1
15 B4 Remove 1 Fleet 9 C 1 C1 -1
16 B5 Royal Marriage 10 B 2 -1
17 B6 No Trading 11 B 18 C9 -1
18 B7 Cede 1 Province 12 C 1 C6 -1
19 C1 Remove 3 Corps 13 U 3 B1 B4 -1
20 C2 Remove Garrisons 14 U -1 B1 B4 -1
21 C3 Remove 2 Fleets 15 U 2 B1 B4 -1
22 C4 Enforced Peace 36 16 U 36 B2 -1
23 C5 Reparations ALL 17 U 100 B3 -1
24 C6 Cede 3 Provinces 18 U 3 B7 -1
25 C7 Enforced Access 19 U -1
26 C8 Remove 1 Leader 20 U 1 -1
27 C9 Half Trade Money 21 U 50 B6 1
28 C10 *Holy Roman Gone 22 U -1 6
29 C11 *Revive Holy Roman 23 U 6 -1

The C10 and C11 are ignored. I can edit these in the patcher...

I uploaded a txt with csv format for you to see better :)

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: Victory Conditions Screen (9/26/2018 1:23:44 PM)

I have not idea that was bad .... I change it on my mods just now.

Pzgnrl.. B1 condition is remove 1 corp?
B6 and B7?

I think i can make a fast .tpj if you tell me what changes are needed :)

pzgndr -> RE: Victory Conditions Screen (9/26/2018 5:01:21 PM)

FYI, those game codes do not align perfectly with the conditional and unconditional surrender conditions. What I did was edit the descriptions to include the proper condition codes, and the space available meant compromising on EnforcedPeace running together. So I have the .tpj files edited, and the game code adjusted for the form size adjustments. The Holy Roman Empire conditions could maybe be implemented later.

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: Victory Conditions Screen (9/26/2018 7:06:47 PM)

Well, i posted the codes that were on old TPJ.
My question was: why the 1 corp removal, 1 fleet removal and cede 1 province B conditions aren't showed in the screen you post?
These need a check on "conditional" to be showed?

pzgndr -> RE: Victory Conditions Screen (9/27/2018 4:32:34 PM)

Here's the conditional surrender conditions. Yes, these need Give Conditional box checked.


gazfun -> RE: Victory Conditions Screen (9/29/2018 12:44:11 AM)

Going well

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