Nicholas Bell -> RE: NATO - WP 78 vs Gary (NATO) (9/25/2018 10:37:19 PM)
Mike, You are correct in questioning the lack of towns on this map. This is my old stomping grounds when I was stationed in Wuerzburg in the mid-1980s, and this map does not reflect the actual terrain (I still have my 1:50,000 topos of the area). Oddly enough, based on the map orientation and scale, it appears it was based on the SPI boardgame "Hof Gap" which did a much better job of representing the difficult terrain. Because of the large number of towns and dense road net, the map designer of the entire 5th Corps series of games used an alternate method of depicting these on the paper map (red dots in the corners of the hexes for towns and black diamonds on hexsides to depict hexes connected by roads). It appears that this was missed when doing the TOAW map. Or maybe not and it was the scenario designer's choice. If so, he choose to misrepresent the terrain making it a lot easier for the Warsaw Pact player. Nick I found this image of the Hof Gap map: [image]local://upfiles/20401/E8C5EA145F9745FAB7E2AC13728299AD.jpg[/image]