Unsolicited recruitment? (Full Version)

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m10bob -> Unsolicited recruitment? (9/30/2018 9:22:27 PM)

Hello...I received a PM from someone I do not know, and I wanted to make sure other old timers are aware of this.
The person may be an innocent gamer just being curious, but having graduated from some serious State Department schools in the seventies, I would rather be safe than sorry...

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PM from atheory: Consulting for wargame
Sun, Sep 30, 2018 1:22 am
PM notification from Matrix Games Forums (forums@matrixgames.com)To:you Details
atheory just sent you a private message at 9/30/2018 5:22:21 AM:

Consulting for wargame


I contact you with the hope you can spare an hour or two for me to pick your brain. I currently have an ambitious project ongoing in the development of a ww2 game. WitP is in part a large inspiration for it. My small but growing team revolves around 3 programmers and 2 artists. You are active in the modding community and I find modders tend to have an enhanced perspective on mechanics.

What I'm looking for is some insight, any, that you may have on naval or air combat mechanics. They don't have to specifically pertain to WitP but rather your own perspective if you were creating the combat mechanics from scratch.

My goal is to accumulate enough information to guide the development of such mechanics in a manner that can be both engaging and realistic for the players.

I thank you for time and consideration

Josh J
Tattered Flag Studios

----------- End of Private Message (PM) -------------

You can locate this message on our forum at (you may need to login first):


Matrix Games Forums

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Blond_Knight -> RE: Unsolicited recruitment? (9/30/2018 9:46:52 PM)

Well clearly the KGB has decided to entice you with money and Russian women for your secrets.

Red2112 -> RE: Unsolicited recruitment? (9/30/2018 10:12:51 PM)

Iam no detective but the two "J" are a coinsidences [8|]



Freyr Oakenshield -> RE: Unsolicited recruitment? (9/30/2018 10:36:06 PM)

I think you should be extremely careful how you play this one. Clearly, no sane person would develop a 2D turn-base, hex style WW2 strategy game in unity...

operating -> RE: Unsolicited recruitment? (9/30/2018 11:20:00 PM)

Did you google?

Tattered Flag Studios

ryan1488 -> RE: Unsolicited recruitment? (10/1/2018 1:12:47 AM)

this is obviously an attempt at child trafficking. please share with all your friends and family [8|]

Lobster -> RE: Unsolicited recruitment? (10/1/2018 3:11:20 AM)

It's probably Tater Flag Studio in Idaho.



zakblood -> RE: Unsolicited recruitment? (10/1/2018 5:56:14 AM)

report, and forward then delete would be my advice

atheory -> RE: Unsolicited recruitment? (10/1/2018 6:28:24 AM)

I sent the PM, I apologize if it was an inconvenience. I merely wanted to discuss your perspective on game mechanics. I meant no harm.

zakblood -> RE: Unsolicited recruitment? (10/1/2018 6:31:58 AM)

as your a long time member, you understand as much as anyone else how it looks, so no harm done, first reply was thinking it was a random spam post by a new member, but looking at your forum replies and login etc and sign on date, that now seems otherwise.

m10bob -> RE: Unsolicited recruitment? (10/1/2018 12:07:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: atheory

I sent the PM, I apologize if it was an inconvenience. I merely wanted to discuss your perspective on game mechanics. I meant no harm.

Thank you for the clarification.
If I could remember any past contact with you, it would have helped.
It seemed an attempt to learn details of the game itself, (in spite of your comments) and the folks at matrix have earned loyalties amongst it's long time members.

Heck...I've been with them since they first gave us a game for FREE in a magazine which I acquired at a now defunct grocery chain.

If you still seek info per your request, just post it here in the forums and you will get many good responses...Hope to see your comments in future.[:)]

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