UP844 -> RE: -BETA VERSION Testing- Monte Cassino 1944 (10/14/2018 12:21:31 AM)
When I played the German side, I already knew the Allied OOB, so my first thought was to avoid being slaughtered by Shermans. In the north-west sector, I took some fire, then retreated my units inside the Abbey; in the south, I thought the 88mm could give me some chance to hold the trenches longer. Much to my surprise, I only saw two Churchills, which were promptly killed by the 88mm, then I didn't see any Allied AFV for the rest of the game [&:]. I sometimes heard the AFV moving, but they never showed up. In the south, the British infantry was wiped out and never reached the level 1 hexes. Even though the deadly AI OBA killed the 88, the PzIV and most of the infantry, at the end of the game the British only had a squad and a HS in Good Order (and still in the plain below the Abbey). On turns #9 and #10 some British squads finally appeared in the north-west, but were all wiped out by point-blank fire. [image]local://upfiles/53779/244C10BF74014241A6A6EC0EB26C53D9.jpg[/image]