thekman -> Supply Question; Africa Corps Bug? Game Freeze! (10/13/2018 5:43:38 PM)
On version 1.15. I have windows 10. Playing PBEM. Regarding the DAK arriving in Africa. I didn't receive all my troops that the event said I would receive. Benghazi was surrounded, and Tunisia was not. (The only two cities I had left in Africa.) I did not receive the tank, HQ, corp, and maybe another unit. I did get two planes, recon, artillery and AT in Dec 40. They appeared around Tunisia. I thought maybe the MIA's would appear by March but they never came. It took my $500 no problem, but didn't deliver the goods. (Maybe the Brits sank the ships on the way and I wasn't told.) Is this a bug, or did something in future updates change where I have to have other cities for the units to place? What is the story with the different colored stripes under certain units (most notably planes) and their supply being lower then what you are expecting? I'll have a HQ 2 spaces over at supply 8, so you would think the planes would be supplied at 6 two spaces over, but I've seen them at 2, 3, 4, etc. with the funny colored purple stripes on the space they occupy. How does the supply work on that? How do I avoid it or is it just some random thing? The only thing I just thought of now as I write, were those particular planes moved the turn before after attacking and that is why they got a extra low supply? And the spaces I'm in has nothing to do with terrain. I'm not in a mountain. Why is it when i'm moving or cycling thru my ships 10% of the time, the game will lock up/crash and I can't continue and have to start the turn all over again. Always seems to have something to do with ships. at the end of my turn I will hit the next button to go thru the ships, and if I have any near the edge of the screen, bam they lock up and says game not responding. It has happened in other areas. And mostly when cycling thru, with the next button. Then another turn before, I was moving a transport from Africa to Italy (Tunisia to the city in Italy near Yugo border) and some error box game up and knocked me out. I don't know if these are known issues or not. I can try taking screen shots. Not like I can send the turn. I was able to reproduce that transport error each time until I finally choose another landing spot. I was also using cruise when I was trying to move him.