How to get and redeem a Steam Key for your copy of TOAW IV (Full Version)

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Daniele -> How to get and redeem a Steam Key for your copy of TOAW IV (10/15/2018 3:40:34 PM)

Hello everyone
If you have the Matrix version of The Operational Art of War IV you can now get a Steam key for it

Please read this post which explains how you can obtain and redeem a Steam key for your game

If you have any questions please let us or support know


JapLance -> RE: How to get and redeem a Steam Key for your copy of TOAW IV (5/16/2020 7:43:35 AM)

Hi there,


You are not authorised to read this forum.

This is what I get when I log-in in that Slitherine forum and click in the link provided. Any other way to get my copy of TOAW IV working in Steam?.


josant -> RE: How to get and redeem a Steam Key for your copy of TOAW IV (5/17/2020 11:03:42 AM)

Try this:

1. Go to
2. then go to "my page", Here are all the games you have bought, note that with the serial also is a key for steam
3. Go to steam app
4. At the botton of the page is a button to add a product, click in it
5. Click in activate a steam product
6. Accept all
7. put the steam key obtained in the step 2

JapLance -> RE: How to get and redeem a Steam Key for your copy of TOAW IV (5/18/2020 5:09:49 PM)

Thanks josant.


2. then go to "my page", Here are all the games you have bought, note that with the serial also is a key for steam

My TOAW4 key didn't work straight away, but there was a button to get the new Steam key that worked perfectly. I guess the info in this post is a bit outdated.

JacobClark86 -> RE: How to get and redeem a Steam Key for your copy of TOAW IV (6/24/2020 12:31:45 PM)

Hi, thanks for sharing

Sertorius1 -> RE: How to get and redeem a Steam Key for your copy of TOAW IV (8/25/2021 7:11:26 AM)

This is great, save for the minor problem of not seeing the game listed on my page, so I can't get the update.

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