borsook -> RE: Research doesn't work (10/17/2018 10:27:25 AM)
ORIGINAL: BiteNibbleChomp In the Classic WW2 title, the research is just a flat percentage chance per turn to have a tech hit: To reach level 1, 5% per turn per chit. To reach level 2. 4% per turn per chit. To reach level 3, 3% per turn per chit. To reach level 4, 2% per turn per chit. To reach level 5, 1% per turn per chit. Which means that if you get some crazy luck, you can have level 3s or 4s of stuff way earlier than normal and can roll everyone with them. I reckon that's pretty cool. - BNC Thanks a lot! a pity this info is nowhere in the game, it gives zero feedback on research... :) However it does work, I am only having the problem with having to close the window before I can buy the next chit.