A Little Mod (Full Version)

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Sotomonte -> A Little Mod (10/16/2018 2:19:19 PM)


In others threads we were talking about the possibilities about make graphics changes in the game or even correct some errors with the graphics.

I began to experiment with the editor inside the game and start to make some changes.

And how we also talked about put the graphics mods that we made in somewhere, I am going to put this little mod that I make for my own use.

The changes that I have make not change the gameplay, they are only aesthetic changes. For example:

- Now, all the "nations" have their own "siluet" (now hungarians, romanians, italians and finnish have not the german infantry siluet)


- The finnish infantry, finnish staff, german cavalry, german heavy infatry, german general staff and soviet general staff have is own and different pictures (sorry for the bad quality... I tried [:D]):


- Some NATO counters has their own "signs". For example, the SS runes, the NKVD ensign, the Siberian divisions with the Guards ensign, the russian infantry divisions with the attachment of a tank battalion have now a llttle armored symbol, the german ligth divisions has one J for "jäger", garrison divisions has one G, etc.:


- And finally, I changed some names for the germans: now the High Command is "Oberkommando der Wehrmacht", the Army Groups have their historical names (Heeresgruppe Nord, Heeresgruppe Mitte, etc.), the names of some división have changed (f.e: TOT for Totenkopf, WIK for Wiking, Blue for Div.Azul, etc.).

DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ska5b36b9dzx0u/MODSotoL2PLUS2c.zip?dl=0

If someone want to change or use some of the graphics of this mod, go ahead [;)]

Un saludo.

GrizzlyKt -> RE: A Little Mod (10/16/2018 6:08:36 PM)

nice work thank you

Sotomonte -> RE: A Little Mod (10/16/2018 10:52:40 PM)

Sorry, I have made a little "update" of the mod to put a version of the General Staff pictures with vehicles... I see them too lonely there [:D]

For the germans I put a Steyr 1500a/01 and for the soviets a GAZ 11-73:


Un saludo.

MrClock -> RE: A Little Mod (10/19/2018 8:05:07 AM)

Thank you!

Sotomonte -> RE: A Little Mod (10/24/2018 12:29:53 PM)

Well, here is another version of the mod.

This time I tried to do the same thing that I made with my mod of Case Blue: to put historical signs in some divisions. It was a little hard, because to put a different NATO counter in a division of a same type, I had to create a new model, so finally I decided make it only for some division: panzer divisions, motorized divisions, some national divisions, etc.:


I also decide to put national signs in the romanian and finish divisions:


And I also made some colour variation of the original little mod:


DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0gfw9ctiv9z1qmd/MODSotoL2PLUS2a.rar?dl=0

Un saludo.

Oberst_Klink -> RE: A Little Mod (10/27/2018 3:18:04 PM)

Magnifico, companero! Muchas gracias! Will spread the word!

Klink, Oberst

nikdav -> RE: A Little Mod (10/28/2018 10:04:39 AM)

Very good work !
I must restart a new game with your mod !

Sotomonte -> RE: A Little Mod (10/28/2018 3:04:57 PM)


I have made a little update to put their own counters to the mountain divisions and soviet paratroopers divisions.


Un saludo.

Remmes -> RE: A Little Mod (11/2/2018 7:44:04 PM)

Looks nice, thanks for your sharing!

Kiowa -> RE: A Little Mod (11/21/2018 12:20:07 AM)

Thanks, Sotomonte, that's great.

For the pictures, can I edit some by just replacing the picture thanks to photoshop? Does it need any more editing, like text or something?


Sotomonte -> RE: A Little Mod (11/21/2018 5:14:36 PM)

Thanks [;)]

Yes, if all you want is to replace an existing image, you can simply replace the old image with the new one. You do not need editing anything more (try that the new image has the same size as the old one).

Un saludo.

Kiowa -> RE: A Little Mod (11/23/2018 12:12:54 AM)

Ok, So I have edited most of the cards pictures.
However I got a bug on most 2nd and 3rd ground unit cards where the background decides to show up a bit on top
Any clue on how to edit this issue? thanks :)

Here is an example: (I can t upload pictures on this forum yet, so if you mind copy and paste as a link and deleting the spaces)

imgur . com/a/e3OmQEE

Sotomonte -> RE: A Little Mod (11/25/2018 8:17:54 PM)

Oh, I see that you are trying to modded DC: The Blitzkrieg... the problem with the graphics of that game is they are a little different than the rest of the serie, specifically the graphics of the MGs and anti-tanks rifles (they are superimposed in a weird way and doesn't keep the aspect ratio).

Un saludo.

Templer_12 -> RE: A Little Mod (12/26/2018 4:11:35 PM)

The mod is what I'am lookin for, but now I don't know how to install it in the game [&:]

fiannon -> RE: A Little Mod (1/5/2019 5:23:51 PM)

Hi , I have tried several times to load this mod . I unzip into the desicive campaign folder but nothing happens , Can anyone help please

ErissN6 -> RE: A Little Mod (1/6/2019 8:11:08 AM)

Yeah thanks, this mod should be officialized, integered in the game, as it makes it more readable.
But, how to download it?? Okay: Right-click on the link, save the target
EDIT: But the file is damaged.

Templer_12 -> RE: A Little Mod (1/6/2019 4:53:47 PM)



... this mod should be officialized, integered in the game,...

I totally agree with you! It's embarrassing, maybe even a shame, but in any case unforgivable, that the developer has worked here so superficial and sloppy. [:@]

This is not a "little mod", to me this is a essential mod!

Thank you Sotomonte [&o]

Sotomonte -> RE: A Little Mod (1/9/2019 7:37:54 PM)


Sorry for the absence but my ****ty job is taking my time (and my health) and I have been away from the computer these last weeks.

To download the mod click the button "download" in the page of DropBox:


Sorry, the screen is in Spanish but I suppose that in English the button is in the same place

And to install the mod simply unzip the mod into the desicive campaign folder (is recommended make a buckup of the folder "graphics") and, to see the most of the modifications, when you want to star the game don't launch the Barbarossa campaing but click in LOAD SCENARIO and launch the scenario called "MODPlus2barbarossa.dc3"


Un saludo.

Templer_12 -> RE: A Little Mod (1/10/2019 1:46:59 PM)

Ah, that's how it works.
It would never have occurred to me to start the campaign in the campaign folder.

A really great mod from you.
Thanks again

Now I just have to find someone who corrects the pseudo-German texts... [8|]


ORIGINAL: nikdav

Very good work !
I must restart a new game with your mod !

Me too, right now!

Sotomonte -> RE: A Little Mod (1/22/2019 1:35:27 PM)


Now that I have some free time, I have made a little update of the mod.

One of the things I didn't like of my mod was the look of the "medium" counters (when we make a zoom out) since the signs of the counters were very little visible.

I have tried put the signs in the form that they are as visible as possible.

Here some examples:





NEW MEDIUM COUNTERS: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ajlvexecz949ot/AlternativeMODSotoL2PLUS2b.rar?dl=0

If someone has started a new game with this mod, don't worry, this is a simple graphic update, so you can continue your game.

Un saludo.

Oberst_Klink -> RE: A Little Mod (1/22/2019 3:56:14 PM)


could you prepare one .ZIP file at your dropbox with all the latest mods available? Also consider posting them at the VR Designs website in the DC:Community Project section. Vic or Cameron surely would appreciated it. Glad we're having this community revived. I am working on an Excel sheet to calculate the different tank etc. stas for the game; in order to have a generally used and accepted reference.

Un saludos,

Klink, Oberst

Sotomonte -> RE: A Little Mod (1/22/2019 8:01:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Oberst_Klink


could you prepare one .ZIP file at your dropbox with all the latest mods available? Also consider posting them at the VR Designs website in the DC:Community Project section. Vic or Cameron surely would appreciated it. Glad we're having this community revived. I am working on an Excel sheet to calculate the different tank etc. stas for the game; in order to have a generally used and accepted reference.

Un saludos,

Klink, Oberst

Ok, it's done.

I have updated the link of the first post to the complete mod with these last changes (and I have update the link for the medium counters too, because I forgot to put the counters for the motorized divisions [8|] )

And of course, I will upload the mod to the site of VR Designs too [;)]

EDIT: http://www.vrdesigns.net/scenario.php?nr=287

Un saludo.

Oberst_Klink -> RE: A Little Mod (1/23/2019 8:56:39 AM)

Muchas Gracias!

Klink, Oberst

Kolyan77 -> RE: A Little Mod (1/9/2020 9:41:17 AM)

I can also see your terrain looks to be different.
Is it part of this mode or a different one ?

Sotomonte -> RE: A Little Mod (1/18/2020 7:43:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Kolyan77

I can also see your terrain looks to be different.
Is it part of this mode or a different one ?

No, the terrain is part of the mod made by Der Kuenstler.

You can find it here: https://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4019970

Un saludo.

Emporer -> RE: A Little Mod (2/27/2020 9:03:26 AM)


You have done an exelent graphic mod here.
Are you going to update the mod with the latest patch?

Captain Jack

Sotomonte -> RE: A Little Mod (7/14/2020 4:32:32 PM)


Well, with a little delay due to health problems, here I leave the version of my mod for the latest DCB patch.

Basically I have not changed anything ... except that I have retouched the colors of the counters (for example: now the Italians are yellow, the Siberians are red, etc.).



Un saludo.

nikdav -> RE: A Little Mod (7/14/2020 10:33:10 PM)

Thanks, very nice mod !

Sotomonte -> RE: A Little Mod (7/15/2020 10:41:52 AM)

Thank you [;)]

If someone prefers the original colors tell me, I could make another alternative version with them.

Un saludo.

Oberst_Klink -> RE: A Little Mod (7/15/2020 11:16:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: Sotomonte

Thank you [;)]

If someone prefers the original colors tell me, I could make another alternative version with them.

Un saludo.

The colour for the Russian counters, could be a tad more like their uniform colours, e.g. a dirt brown perhaps? Danke!

Klink, Oberst

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