sPzAbt653 -> RE: Editor scenario path - new patch (10/20/2018 5:11:20 PM)
the scenarios and the related files can all be located in one directory instead of requiring parts to be in the Graphics or AltGraphics directory." This is contradictory to the release version of IV [and other games that I am aware of]. You like Steam, I don't, we have our opinions and that is fine. I will not defend a third party middle man software program that skims $$$ from consumers for no reason. Steam does nothing that Matrix can't do [but apparently doesn't]. That's on them, not consumers. All we hear about is how TOAW IV is constantly compromised due to limited coding time, yet this precious coding time was spent on catering to Steamers who have yet to show me what they want it for, other than they are lazy in keeping track of their game files. Don't argue with me, give me proof of value. Explain what it can do for me that justifies the effort of TOAW Development that is direly needed elsewhere. TOAW has knows bugs/issues that have been around for years, yet work on these had to stop in order to accommodate Steamers. This is a serious affront to me and it should be to others. Same with JSGME or whatever it is called. No reason for it, never had it, never seen a need for it. Yet both Steam and JSGME raise many posts on these forums concerning how to use these unnecessary programs. Learn how to use what you have. No need to add more confusion [and wasted effort] to your life. [:)]