A New Look at Matrix (Full Version)

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Wild Bill -> A New Look at Matrix (6/14/2001 11:09:00 AM)

If you haven't taken a tour of the Matrix site, you probably should. All of the pages have been updated and redone. You'll find it easy to move around, get info on products, links, downloads, the forum and more. What is coming from Matrix? Go to products section, click on "In Development" and see for yourself! Just start at the main Matrix Page and take a quick tour. You can do it in 15 minutes or less and you'll have a much better concept of what we are and what we are doing. Wild Bill

Wild Bill -> (6/14/2001 11:38:00 AM)

And let us know what you think...too little, too much? We are listening!...Wild Bill

Sscott1879 -> (6/14/2001 11:41:00 AM)

I have two things to say after seeing the new site: 1) WOW!!! 2) Please don't tell my wife! I turned a bunch of my high school aged history students on to your games and now they are hooked. This is really great stuff. Thank you.

Wild Bill -> (6/14/2001 12:00:00 PM)

Thanks Stacy! I think a lot about history can be learned from this hobby. I know I have. Glad you like it. Good luck, professor! Yours is no easy task. :eek: Wild Bill

Commander Klank -> (6/14/2001 12:12:00 PM)

Hey Matrixgame is look'in good. I really think you guys will become the "Computer Wargamer's" websight and comany. The deadication to exellence in historic accurcy and quality game play is like nothing I've ever seen in a Computer Game Comany. And I really think you folks have a great ace in the hole, you are responcive to the gaming community that uses your product. Of course this is the real world (no! say it is'it so!) and any company that whats to survive has to make money. well i'm glad to be the first (I think) gamer to post here and say you guys can look forward to my buisness and I'd be more than willing to request (beg) the minster of finance (guess who that is..LOL..) to free up money for your games. Honestly Bill what I love about you games is they are very accutate and historicly detailed while still having eye pleasing graphics along with easy game play. I mean SPWAW is like playing micro armor with out the mess (sorry about that but I think you know what I'm saying). I think this is key to good sales to us 'Ol Ironsided Wargamers....(:-] and key to drawing in the younger gereration of prospesctive gamers who tend to want to "look now and learn the facts later". I'm thinking of getting (hell no, I'm gon'a get)the new mega champ cd. However I think I'll wait for the ordering problum to clear up. In the mean time I'm jones'in (Gakk, Gakk)for 5.1 ......LOL Couldn't you guts let Computer Gaming or someone put 5.1 on one of thier demo CDs? They'd sell ton'z.......... I'd buy it even if I got the Mega CD or a copy on my computer, just to have a spare I could lone out to some unsuspecting gamer (agh the adiction)!

Wild Bill -> (6/14/2001 12:24:00 PM)

Indeed. It does get in your blood, Commander! I've loved wargaming all my life..still do! Nothing like reliving the moment :D Wild Bill

Grumble -> (6/15/2001 4:20:00 AM)

Great site.

I turned a bunch of my high school aged history students on to your games and now they are hooked. This is really great stuff. Thank you.
FWIW, I taught the "WW2-Cold War" section of a High School AP History class using 3rd Reich. Kids loved it, especially the political dealing (and double-dealing)...

Wild Bill -> (6/15/2001 4:47:00 AM)

History is absolutely brimming with history and our desire is to learn from the past to enjoy the future. War is a horrible event, but it does happen and its effects are felt for centuries afterward. Sometimes I find the experiences of the past as exciting as the anticipated experiences of the future (which makes me enjoy the present even more! :D ) Wild Bill

BruceAZ -> (6/15/2001 7:39:00 AM)


Originally posted by Stacy Scott: I have two things to say after seeing the new site: 1) WOW!!! 2) Please don't tell my wife! I turned a bunch of my high school aged history students on to your games and now they are hooked. This is really great stuff. Thank you.
Ditto... :D

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