SparkleyTits -> RE: Fightng the MP's (11/18/2018 9:20:52 AM)
ORIGINAL: chaos45 I would say even some longer time mainly German players have a tendency to complain just to make the game easier for the German side regardless of how unplayable it makes the game for anyone attempting to play the soviets. That's just plain silly talk now Chaos reign it in a bit at some point bud eh? [8|] Can we please for the love of god just stop going over the same exhaustively rehashed points in every single thread in existence when Axis wins a game or pockets 6 divisions (exagerated I know but if I don't laugh at this point I might end up crying my soul out of my eyeballs soon enough [:D]) We can all happily restart the process from the beginning in the next update but at least with some new ideas as any kind of change on the subject at this point would make me weep for joy tbh I am sure the devs and everybody else on the forum has seen what has been consistently said at this point and have decided one way or another what do about it and what they think about and it would be much simpler for everybody involved if the discussions were kept to the balance thread instead of over all four corners of the earth in any case About the logistics that Stef mentioned in AGS I would say they are out of context and there was no logistical wizardry needed to do it at all [image][/image] Here's what happened in AGS if you look it really isn't anything special in the slightest Here's the sequence I did Purple: 11th army to clear the way for orange Orange: 1st PzG corp cleared hexes in the second line Teal: 2nd PzG corp went full throttle with a clear way With a bit of recon this would of been seen and defended I have no doubt but luckily Stef did not recon very much throughout our game It's a simple move all in all with 10 divisions in the way of a HQBU corp We would see similar results in most cases when repeated under the same circumstances by most people I imagine After this turn I had no way of pushing on more than a couple of hexes in the south Now in lew of defending myself from being shouted down or accused of wanting Axis to be op which is apparently a thing that happens now? [&:] I guess it's important to reiterate... yet again... for the 15th time..... that I do think there are problems with the game atm first and foremost with EXP as it is messing up construction capabilities and stopping power along all secondary fronts and I think rubber banding the supply would be a brilliant idea (if possible?) as using transports with motorised, especially in AGN (very OP) makes it overly efficient atm but I wouldn't want anyone thinking that I propogate Axis as having a hard time at the moment, which I do not, far from it. Simply put though I am getting exhasuted of repeating these statements now and it simply shouldn't be needed as some sort of legal disclaimer anytime myself or anybody else decides to try and have an open discussion or attempts to bring a little bit of balance in ideas infront of the unrelenting, schoolyard, shouting, flying around