Re: Casino (Full Version)

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Odin -> Re: Casino (6/16/2003 3:34:57 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mogami
[B]Hi, Better to just clear out the hanger deck and make it a Casino with dancing on the flight deck. Set her on cement Blocks in some nice harbor. Install a couple hundred staterooms and you have a Hotel Casino. [/B][/QUOTE]

Thats exactly that what had happened to a russian carrier in China i´ve heared.

Von Rom -> (6/16/2003 4:36:09 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Caltone
[B]If we all pitched in, we could recoup some of our investment if we did the occasional fishing charter. Should hold plenty of paying passengers. [/B][/QUOTE]

We'd need looonnngggg fishing lines. . .


pasternakski -> (6/16/2003 4:56:34 AM)

We're missing the big opportunity here, guys. Think of the "thrill ride" potential of taking off and landing on a carrier. Georgie Dubya would probably be your first paying customer. You gotta figure it wouldn't be dangerous for anybody on board ship, because how many customers would know enough how to steer the doggone plane to even come close to hitting the boat? The whole thing ought to be about as funny as the four drunk Marines I saw one time trying to **** into a butt can.

You just have to work out the cost of planes and charge enough per flight to give yourself a working profit margin. One good thing - your maintenance overhead would be extremely low ...

Bradman -> (6/16/2003 7:03:41 AM)

[QUOTE] [B][I]Originally posted by demonterico [/I] [/B]

Hey the used carlot down the road picked up a MIG from the Russians for $50,000. With 6 MIGs and a carrier there must be dozens of countries we could conquer.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but if we all had my luck, she'd be afflicted with the dreaded 'Curse of the Long Island', and they'd all fly into a vortex and be lost forever.

demonterico -> (6/16/2003 10:28:42 AM)

[QUOTE] Set her on cement Blocks[/QUOTE]

No no no no no we can't do that! :eek:
No self respecting freebooter would put his carrier up on blocks.

pasternakski -> (6/16/2003 11:27:04 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by demonterico
[B]No no no no no we can't do that! :eek:
No self respecting freebooter would put his carrier up on blocks. [/B][/QUOTE]

But a redneck sailor might ...

Bradman -> (6/16/2003 1:04:28 PM)

[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by pasternakski:[/I]

[B]But a redneck sailor might ...[/B]


:D :D :D :D :D

Snigbert -> (6/16/2003 7:58:13 PM)

[B]So let's convert her into an LPH with a few Helos and a MEU (Matrix Expeditionary Unit) [/B]

I was trying to think of whether or not she had any valid military use left, and I'm a little surprised that no third world country picked her up as a helicopter platform. Heck, even Thailand has an old aircraft carrier. But perhaps the HMS Vengeance has no hull life left, or any number of age problems associated with her.

[B]The whole thing ought to be about as funny as the four drunk Marines I saw one time trying to **** into a butt can.[/B]

I'm wondering what was behind the '****' since I have already thought of some really funny possibilities.

Bobthehatchit -> Carrier (6/16/2003 9:19:56 PM)

Nice idea lads, bit of free booting could be a real laugh but i recon the RN should have it back, might come in handy until we get our two new carriers in the about 10 years.

Might be nice to have to a carrier big enough to fly more than eight harriers and a few heli's off.

Hows about the Us lend/leasesing us a nimitz class boat and a few F18 hornets??


Snigbert -> (6/16/2003 9:22:50 PM)

Those new British Carriers look like they'll be nice. How many are being built, just 2?

soeren -> (6/16/2003 10:00:45 PM)

If you want to sail it around, youst offer wargaming vacations and install a lot of Hardware for extensive wargaming LAN partys.
Something similar to here

Bobthehatchit -> (6/17/2003 4:25:00 AM)

Its only going to be two, and they will be taking the three Invincible Class carriers out of service. ( Stupid idea).

[QUOTE] After a period of concept studies commencing in the early 1990s, and following extensive consideration during the Strategic Defence Review (SDR), the current requirement for the Future Aircraft Carrier (CVF) was endorsed in December 1998. The SDR announced plans to replace the current carriers from around 2012, by two larger, more versatile carriers, capable of carrying a more powerful force, including a future carrier borne aircraft (FCBA) to replace the Harrier[/QUOTE]

Nice looking ships though.

Luskan -> (6/17/2003 12:54:15 PM)

Now we've had some seriously good ideas.

Piano removals - every guy in the south pacific that wants to move from one island to the next with his piano is going to need the sort of cusomized service and transport we could provide. Especially if we had a helecopter to do the lifting and carrying to and fro.

Floating casino - very profitalbe, good idea Mog!!

Fishing charters - or maybe diving charters.

Problem here is that no one will go on a chartered diving trip from Oz after what happened to the guys up in the barrier reef. Couple of yanks chartered the boat and crew, and they went out to the reef for a dive. The guys on the boat had a few beers, and then forgot about the divers (their customers) and went back to port - remembered that they'd forgotten their "passengers" and went back out the next day to find that they'd drowned.

Carrier takeoff and landing thrill rides - another brilliant idea. Easy marketing too "Do you have what it takes to be Top Gun?", big speakers with Dangerzone playing at full ball and we'd have a bunch of rich idiots willing to do it (we'd have to offer a 1 hour training program for them to qualify for the attempt - 50% is a pass ;) )

To be honest, I can't believe some Indonesian general hasn't dipped into his private piggy bank to by the thing already.

However, the voices in my head have just given me the best idea of the lot.

We could train ourselves as a STUNT CARRIER crew, and ensure that we get the lead parts in all the movies that require such. A great example is the movie speed 2. Millions of dollars in computer animation for a crap movie where a boat goes out of control, crashes into theings, and eventually ends up beaching herself by sliding over 95% of a town (uphill of course). No more computer graphics! We'd provide the real out of control speeding CV scenes and crash scene.

I'm sure we could also have done that scene in The Sum of All Fears, where the US CV gets blown up (more computer graphics). Instead we'd do the real things after filling the ship with Australia's famous undesirables (Kerry Ann, Daryl Summers, Bert Newton, Pauline Hansen, David Oldfield, Simon Creane, Catriona Rownetree, that idiot "Doug" from the pizza hut ads, all of the people on Australia's worst Drivers, Anthony "the mouth" Mundine - the list is just endless!!

We pack our ship full of Austrlia's least liked celebrities (Mark jacko Jackson amongst them too) under a guise of being a charity cruise, and then let the studios film as we call in airstrikes to send her to the bottom . . . :D :D :D

Mike_B20 -> (6/17/2003 1:08:57 PM)

Luskan, you forgot to include the cast of Big Brother on that list.

Maybe, if a net was put around the edges, it could be converted to a floating sports venue.

Cricket, Aussie Rules, Soccer, Rugby etc.

Bradman -> You missed a few (6/17/2003 4:09:56 PM)

[I] Originally posted by Luskan [/I]

[B]I'm sure we could also have done that scene in The Sum of All Fears, where the US CV gets blown up (more computer graphics). Instead we'd do the real things after filling the ship with Australia's famous undesirables (Kerry Ann, Daryl Summers, Bert Newton, Pauline Hansen, David Oldfield, Simon Creane, Catriona Rownetree, that idiot "Doug" from the pizza hut ads, all of the people on Australia's worst Drivers, Anthony "the mouth" Mundine - the list is just endless!![/B][/QUOTE]

Bert could be used as ballast. ;) But surely you've missed a couple of others who should go such as: Allan 'the Lurker' Jones, Skase (if he isn't really dead), all of the idiots who actually vote for Pauline Hansen and David Oldfield, and Bomber Beazley (who could also be used as ballast).

She'd be running so low in the water, we'd be lucky if she'd make it out of The Heads.:p

Luskan -> Re: You missed a few (6/17/2003 4:23:13 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Bradman
[B]But surely you've missed a couple of others who should go such as: Allan 'the Lurker' Jones, Skase (if he isn't really dead), all of the idiots who actually vote for Pauline Hansen and David Oldfield, and Bomber Beazley (who could also be used as ballast).

How in God's name did I forget Skase, Jonsey and Beazley AND the Big Brother mob???

However all the people that voted for Pauline Hansen? Well, last federal election she got a million votes in queensland but somehow didn't get a seat (I love this country and our electoral system!). Million queenslanders on the boat . . . ?

Fortunately, I've had a better idea. We buy it and buy a little water taxi, and then anchor it in the middle of Sydney harbour, and run it as a backpacker hostel, or a low class no bed no breakfast hotel that costs insane amounts to rent.

Imagine the new years party we could be charging people for on the deck of an aircraft carrier in the mniddle of sydney harbour under the fireworks??

Or maybe we could rig up a sail and try to win the sydney to hobart? ;)

Bradman -> (6/17/2003 5:10:32 PM)

[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Luskan[/I]

[B]However all the people that voted for Pauline Hansen? Well, last federal election she got a million votes in queensland but somehow didn't get a seat (I love this country and our electoral system!). Million queenslanders on the boat . . . ?[/B][/QUOTE]

Oops, I forgot about the Queenslanders and Hansenism thing :rolleyes:

Although, I did warn that she'd be running a little low :eek:

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