Slow response (Full Version)

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Bipman -> Slow response (11/10/2018 4:15:22 PM)

Hi all

I'm having problems with game response in that whenever I request a report screen, move the map, close a report etc. there is a long delay (1.5-2 seconds). It's making the game the game unplayable and I wondered if anyone had seen this issue? All my other Matrix games run fine so I'm not sure what the issue is. I'm on a PC running Windows 10 and enough power to run the latest games.


Yaab -> RE: Slow response (11/10/2018 5:05:47 PM)

Use the -dd_sw switch

Find the ReadMe.pdf in your game folder.

inqistor -> RE: Slow response (11/10/2018 6:06:18 PM)



Hi all

I'm having problems with game response in that whenever I request a report screen, move the map, close a report etc. there is a long delay (1.5-2 seconds). It's making the game the game unplayable and I wondered if anyone had seen this issue? All my other Matrix games run fine so I'm not sure what the issue is. I'm on a PC running Windows 10 and enough power to run the latest games.


This is common issue in WINDOWS 10. Check Tech Support Forum.

Generally you should use windowed mode, and some switches. My same problem was somehow resolved with -multiaudio switch.

GetAssista -> RE: Slow response (11/10/2018 7:32:23 PM)

-dd_sw -deepColor -multiaudio are all possible candidates. Play around with each one.

Bipman -> RE: Slow response (11/11/2018 8:48:44 AM)

Thanks everyone! That readme contains a lot of info!


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