zakblood -> RE: Special Live Event on Monday, November 19th (11/19/2018 7:21:25 PM)
i'm under an NDA as always, but it's the best of the best and what i've been wishing and hopping for, for a very long time, the best parts of everything rolled into one quote:
Field of Glory: Empires lets you export and load your battles in Field of Glory II! if you want to, or let the AI do it for you etc, so best of both worlds and should suit everyone imo the link shows it all, and says more than ever it's has depth and thought and is an answer to what most have been asking for, for awhile now, a new engine to boot. a epic live event with 4k at it's height watching live and loving it[;)] i know i did as not seen the video before either and the live chat questions and answers were very good