Saturn V -> RE: New patch in the works (12/11/2019 1:07:13 AM)
Just thought I'd ask this, because it's something I see a number of games doing in their interfaces and it drives me nuts: is there any chance of having columns of numbers be RIGHT-aligned? Right now in EDTBTR all columns of numbers are LEFT-aligned. That's just wrong, wrong, wrong. (I see this same mistake in the interface of other games as well). Columns of numbers should ALWAYS be RIGHT-aligned. They are much easier to read that way, and allows for quick, almost intuitive comparisons between the figures. When columns of numbers are left-aligned, now you have the 1's place under the 10's under the 100's place under the 1000's place, making it much harder to quickly scan the numbers in the columns and get a sense of how the values stack up against each other. For example, this . . . 1235
5 . . . is harder to visually process than this . . . 1235
5 In the second version, now all the digit places line up like they should. I'm guessing such a GUI change isn't possible, but I wanted to mention it anyway because it's irritating to see how often columns of numbers are incorrectly aligned.