JTP -> RE: Motorized and/or Panzer units and rivers (11/22/2018 5:18:07 PM)
ORIGINAL: AlexSF quote:
ORIGINAL: AlexSF In my opinion on the contrary, the game is one of the few wargame that properly simulate the difficulty to cross major rivers in Russia. Have a look at a picture of the Dnepr for instance, it's super wide, virtually impossible to croos without a bridge and I'm not even talking about the Volga. It would take days or easily a week of MPs to have engineers build some sort of bridge. In the Smolensk campaign, the XXXIX Pzc of Pg3 constructed a bridge across the Dvina in one *night* and crossed that morning. 20th Panzer specifically, midway between Polotsk and Vitebsk. Pzg 2 started their attack across the Dnepr on 7/10 and crossed it in force that same day. They had spent the previous two days traveling to, and organizing at, their jump off points. Not building bridges, etc. Neither example is possible in the game. Similar events occurred in France 1940. Above examples from Glantz. You have a point. On the other hand even if they did cross these rivers on the first night it was not the whole Pzr division, probably recon elements at first..etc To deploy the full strengh of the division in game terms and use its CV against an enemy it would translate into many MPs and I think the game simulates that well. As for France the Meuse is hardly comparable to the Dnepr or the Volga. Actually, it was the bulk if not the entire division as it advanced over sixty kms that day and was lead by a panzer regiment "along with the main body of the division" on another axis towards Vitebsk after this advance. In short, in the Smolensk campaign in the game, one has to wait for the infantry corps to catch up to the panzer/motorized forces sitting on the two rivers. Historically, this is what Hoth and Guderian chose NOT to do and crossed both rivers in force in very short time frames.