tell me the reasons it is good (Full Version)

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maxb -> tell me the reasons it is good (11/21/2018 4:52:48 AM)

do you like Close Combat?

do you like Steel Panthers?

how does this compare, and why do you like it?

if you have played these games, i would love to hear why you like each one specifically, and explain your experience with it if you wish

I want to know the differences, your own reasons and your experience playing each one, the differences and comparisons of them, and the things you get from playing each game. do you think Armored Brigade stacks up, and why? I think each of these games explores something different - I wish to hear the experts opinions and describe your own take on these different games

PoorOldSpike -> RE: tell me the reasons it is good (11/21/2018 7:10:57 AM)

I gave up on Close Combat because I didn't like the too-detailed fiddly infantry unit graphics and they were hard to see as they wriggled around in different terrains.
Also the UI text and data boxes was too small.
But AB's infantry graphics are neater and the UI text is easier to read.

Steel Panthers I never liked much because units moved one by one (totally unrealistic) but in AB units can be moved in formations and waves.

Kimura -> RE: tell me the reasons it is good (11/21/2018 10:51:58 AM)

disregarding I prefer combat mission instead those (beloved) oldtimers Close Combat and Steel Panthers
here are my answers to your question:

- There are only a few games/simulations dealing with that era and area (cc does not)

- most of them are hex- and turn-based (which isnīt bad but - as POS mentioned, is somehow unrealistic)

- No fantasy-maps - Instead they are based on real world data (in contrast to the shrunken maps in cc or the fantasy maps in sp)

- Large operation areas (in contrast to cc as well as sp)

- AI working surprisingly well so far (in cotrast to cc - sp? donīt remember)

- Overview in complex battle-situations doesnīt get lost in that great extend I was afraid

- realistic and professional database

Of course not everything is brilliant and some things should need to get improved in my eyes (assigning fire-areas, better use of helicopters, command structure, campaigns e.a.).

Adam Rinkleff -> RE: tell me the reasons it is good (11/21/2018 1:28:07 PM)

i played a lot of close combat, if you liked that, you will like this

if you didn't like close combat, but wanted to, well this is an improvement

-more units, larger battles
-more customization
-more unit types (ie: helicopters, deployable minefields)
-better AI, better pathfinding
-will continue to be developed and get better over time

wodin -> RE: tell me the reasons it is good (11/21/2018 1:45:33 PM)

Gameplay pure and simple. Lots of things done right add up to a fun and exciting experience!

Add huge modding potential aswell as paid expansion potential make it a must buy it you enjoy tactical scale wargames

PoorOldSpike -> RE: tell me the reasons it is good (11/21/2018 4:52:21 PM)

Regarding Combat Mission (Barbarossa to Berlin and Afrika Korps with CMx1 engine) it was my favourite game for over 10 years but then I drifted away because the graphics began to look a bit outdated.
I then switched to Cmx2 with the new engine and new graphics (Normandy and Black Sea), but it never really clicked with me because gameplay was a bit laggy, even on my super-duper high-end computer, so I drifted away from that too.
Soon after, I got into Armed Assault 3 multiplayer and it's been my favourite game for the past 4 years, I've logged over 4000 hours so far..:)

PS- I bought Armored Bde because it covers the fascinating Cold War period 1965-1991 and I wanted to study and handle all the units of that period
"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys.
Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death!"
- Sun Tzu 600 BC

Mousehold -> RE: tell me the reasons it is good (11/22/2018 1:27:57 AM)

I'm surprised I don't see more comparisons between Armored Brigade and Eugen Systems' Wargame series. I think Armored Brigade much more closely resembles Wargame: Red Dragon (or one of its predecessors) than it does Steel Panthers, Close Combat, or Combat Mission.

Obviously Wargame: Red Dragon is not the most realistic game, but if you layered a heavy helping of realism onto WGRD, what you'd have is nothing other than Armored Brigade.

exsonic01 -> RE: tell me the reasons it is good (11/22/2018 1:59:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mousehold

I'm surprised I don't see more comparisons between Armored Brigade and Eugen Systems' Wargame series. I think Armored Brigade much more closely resembles Wargame: Red Dragon (or one of its predecessors) than it does Steel Panthers, Close Combat, or Combat Mission.

Obviously Wargame: Red Dragon is not the most realistic game, but if you layered a heavy helping of realism onto WGRD, what you'd have is nothing other than Armored Brigade.

I also played Eugen's Wargame since W:EE, I have almost 2k hr of steam play time if I add all play time of WEE, WALB, and WRD XD. Oh I really enjoyed 10vs10 games so much. A lot of good memories. Too bad they just ruined and gave up on Wargame franchise...

Anyway, I think they are close in some sense, but at the same time I think they are different, more different points than similar points. As you know, Wargame is full 3D, and more close to modern RTS games when compared to classical 'wargame' genre. And I think that is why Wargame franchise is not that much discussed in this forum. Most of Matrix/Slitherine fans are more close to "classical wargame" fans, maybe most of forum users in here may not have that much experience in Wargame. But I agree that any person who played Wargame franchise would easily learn how to play AB.

I also can see some features of Command Ops, Flashpoint Campaign, Close Combat, Combat Mission, SB Pro, and etc...

Speaking of Wargame franchise, I once mentioned about 10vs10 multi of AB in the beta forum as far future wish list, if this game make good success. That will be amazing XD

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