zacklaws -> RE: Issue being caused by trying to open the game manual (11/23/2018 8:59:39 AM)
I had tried everything up to solution 4 yesterday asI had seen that myself as well. I have just tried or had a look at the rest of the solutions now with no avail. The Remote Procedure Call service, all the controls are greyed out and inaccessible to do anything and I cannot find a way to access them. As for the registry, I have nothing like that setting in my registry at all. But, I do have an "acrobat2018" with "AcroviewR19", so thats probably a newer version than the one in the solution. The version I am using is the fee version which I also uninstalled yesterday and redownloaded it again yesterday and installed afresh. But as I say, its not a major issue, I can access all PDF's the normal ways, its only an issue if I use the AB game launcher to try and open the manual and then no PDF's can be opened thereafter unless I reboot the system. What I will do is just leave it as it is, try it periodically and it may sort itself out but at least others who experience it will know they are not on there own and then the issue may be pinned down to the game launcher. In fact, already this morning, I saw in another thread some one else with the same issue along with being unable to run AB. Many thanks for the help so far, and if anything else crops up linked to the issue I will post it here as a follow up.