Will not buy this game until it has the vehicles I drove on Freedom's Frontier (Full Version)

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jwarrenw13 -> Will not buy this game until it has the vehicles I drove on Freedom's Frontier (11/23/2018 2:55:27 PM)

...Frontier. [:D] Insert this emoji to ensure everyone knows I'm joking. But I did have this weird idea. And for the record, I have already bought the game and was just fantasizing about the odd things you could do with Armored Brigade.

My first tour in West Germany, 74-75, I was an enlisted track driver. Drove an M577 armored command post (a high top M113 carrying lots of radios and maps etc., for 2nd Bde, 8th ID. I was an 11B (infantry) but when I got to 2nd Bde they realized I had two years of college, so after one day and night in an infantry company, they made me the brigade S2 clerk/track driver. I don't see any M577s in the game, but then it appears battalion and higher TOCs are not modeled. I want to play a game where I'm an M577 driver. So we need battalion TOCs.

Then my second tour, 85-88, after returning to college and getting my commission and spending time elsewhere, I was 8th ID PAO, yes, a REMF. I need a CUCV, that is, a Chevy Blazer. I was looking for wheeled vehicles but have missed them if they are there. I want to drive a Chevy Blazer around behind the front lines simulating having my guys take pictures and video of the guys in combat and see if I can dodge artillery and enemy direct fire.

Now all that is said halfway in jest, but with the addition of just a couple of elements, I could actually do that in this game. Surely if we can model resupply, as has been discussed, we can model important things like a 577 and a CUCV.

Rosseau -> RE: Will not buy this game until it has the vehicles I drove on Freedom's Frontier (11/24/2018 3:46:15 AM)

Hopefully, more veterans will share their stories evoked by playing the game!

Issue8 -> RE: Will not buy this game until it has the vehicles I drove on Freedom's Frontier (11/24/2018 11:47:33 AM)

This thing? [image]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/7a/c0/1d/7ac01d9cc48579462493b5e8dc4aac57.jpg[/image]

jwarrenw13 -> RE: Will not buy this game until it has the vehicles I drove on Freedom's Frontier (11/24/2018 5:16:24 PM)

Yes. I need that. Is that in the game? I missed if it is. I need to mod in a PAO team maybe.

jwarrenw13 -> RE: Will not buy this game until it has the vehicles I drove on Freedom's Frontier (11/24/2018 5:19:48 PM)

And I need one of these in the game, too.

Then I could role play myself in 74-75 or 85-88, though I would probably die quickly unless I kept moving and stayed well behind the action.

Issue8 -> RE: Will not buy this game until it has the vehicles I drove on Freedom's Frontier (11/24/2018 5:53:13 PM)

Need to make an OJ Simpson mod.


Blond_Knight -> RE: Will not buy this game until it has the vehicles I drove on Freedom's Frontier (11/24/2018 6:38:01 PM)

Although I didnt drive an M577, I did pull radio watch in the back of one many times as part of the OPFOR TOC at Irwin in 87-88. And setting up those damn GP large tents attached to it, although I think I cursed the camo nets more than the tents.

After that I drove an M551 Sheridan vis-modded to look like an oversize BMP at Irwin with the MILES "laser-tag" system. Others were modded to look like T72's.
Im horrified to think we ever put men in these in combat, the M511 was unreliable junk.

jwarrenw13 -> RE: Will not buy this game until it has the vehicles I drove on Freedom's Frontier (11/25/2018 2:02:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: Blond_Knight

Although I didnt drive an M577, I did pull radio watch in the back of one many times as part of the OPFOR TOC at Irwin in 87-88. And setting up those damn GP large tents attached to it, although I think I cursed the camo nets more than the tents.

After that I drove an M551 Sheridan vis-modded to look like an oversize BMP at Irwin with the MILES "laser-tag" system. Others were modded to look like T72's.
Im horrified to think we ever put men in these in combat, the M511 was unreliable junk.

As a young PFC helping set up a brigade TOC and then operate the radios, I was surprised at how clumsy the TOC seemed to me. Three or four 577s with their tent extensions connected. Plywood flooring for our brigade commander. Lights strung. All kind of maps. Generators unloaded from the tracks and put on the ground. And then, yes, the camo. That was a pain to put up and take down. And the tall radio antennas. 30 minutes to set up like that. 30 minutes to take down. I once asked my NCOs, both Vietnam veterans, what would happen if we had to move under fire. They just laughed and said we would leave everything but the tracks behind. I did note that near the end of my tour, we got more mobile. They designated a "jump TOC" with two 577s that operated forward without any tents including the S3 track and one more, just the tracks side by side, and then a base TOC that wasn't as mobile. Even as a young PFC, I thought our TOC was just too bulky and not mobile enough. Of course I had no idea if this was the standard way of doing it and how it compared to other TOCs. But I remembered stuff like that when I got my commission and always worked to travel as light as possible for the mission.

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