DEB -> RE: Spartan - Boiled Alive and he lives ! (6/8/2019 5:05:15 PM)
Further to the above. I have now concluded my testing under "Ctrl" key "error" conditions. Unfortunately, I was unable to replicate the error originally noted ( re "Boiled Alive" ), to prove my theory. However, a further, possible error occurred instead - details as follows : A Foreign Diplomat was "Made to Disappear" ( i.e. "Rot in a Cell" ). Within 3 months, a Friendly Diplomat appeared with exactly the same name/s ( Forename and Father's Name ) ! Has the "Jailed" Diplomat changed sides here ? To become a "Double Agent" as it were... [ This seems very unlikely, but is not completely implausible ( IMHO ) ! ] Anyway, although I have a few theories as to why both of these "errors" occurred, I will refrain from sharing them with you all. [;)] [ Suffice to say, that they have only occurred under "Ctrl" key error "conditions" ; and although other criteria may be involved also ( including their somehow being limited to one error per ( admittedly short ) game ) ; we can all avoid the "Ctrl" key error problem easily enough ( as previously advised ) ! [8D] ]