JJMcBlaze -> RE: Player HQ sound option (12/11/2018 11:46:13 AM)
ORIGINAL: CCIP-subsim I am really enjoying this feature - I had it turned off at first since I worried it might disorient me (I rely on sound a lot in games in general), but it actually had the opposite effect of "putting my head in the game" and giving me a better idea of some of the priority threats in "my" sectors. However... I have a request! Is it possible to add an intermediate option where the player's hearing range/volume is linked to the HQ unit, but the heading is independent (i.e. plays as though on a top-down map)? I ask because without actually being in a moving vehicle, the point of reference can get really confusing - and always turning the HQ vehicle to face north isn't always smart (and can still be a bit confusing). I realize that's a real-world point of confusion as well, but not being able to look out of my hatch or feel the vehicle moving is a distinct disadvantage in terms of not getting lost! In total agreement. It's a nifty, immersion enhanching feature I really like. But I expected that if you put yourself in a HQ unit, that you'd have radio chatter or something to give some aid in situational awareness. Would it be possible to have something in the style of Close Combat, where you can hear certain messages on a radio?