Operational movement (Full Version)

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JPFisher55 -> Operational movement (12/9/2018 8:58:37 PM)

The manual mentions a preference for operational movement by land and sea. I don't see such preferences under the advanced options. Can operational movement be selected?

Numdydar -> RE: Operational movement (12/9/2018 11:05:16 PM)

Right click on the unit, then the Operational move can be selected

BillRunacre -> RE: Operational movement (12/10/2018 5:14:34 PM)

The mention of movement at sea makes me wonder if you're thinking of the Naval Cruise function (on land the same function is Forced March) as Operational movement only applies to land and air units.

Double click on a naval unit and you'll see that its movement range has doubled for that turn. Moving it that way will use up 1 supply point, but it can be worth it.

There are more details on this in the Manual, and I'd recommend everyone new to the game to check out the Game Essentials chapter.

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