changing loadout and ready time with "if ~= nil" (Full Version)

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orca -> changing loadout and ready time with "if ~= nil" (12/10/2018 5:51:17 AM)

I use this command to change the loadout and time to ready:

local unit = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='Su-34 (Bodo) #9'})
ScenEdit_SetLoadout({UnitName =, LoadoutID = 23085, TimeToReady_Minutes = 58})

But I think this causes an error if the aircraft is not found.

I use the following to assign a unit to a mission with the "if ~= nil" coding so no error occurs if the unit isn't found.

if ScenEdit_GetUnit({Side='Russia', Name="Su-34 (Bodo) #9"}) ~= nil then
ScenEdit_AssignUnitToMission("Su-34 (Bodo) #9", "Norway strike)")

Is there a better way to change the loadout and time to ready for a unit to make sure there is no error if the unit is not found similar to the latter LUA example with something like the "if ~= nil" part of the code?


Kennetho -> RE: changing loadout and ready time with "if ~= nil" (2/16/2022 9:58:57 PM)

Did you ever figure this out?
I’m interested in learning the same.

Changing mission and loadout.

KnightHawk75 -> RE: changing loadout and ready time with "if ~= nil" (2/17/2022 7:10:18 AM)

retbool,retval = pcall(ScenEdit_SetLoadout{UnitName =, LoadoutID = 23085, TimeToReady_Minutes = 58}) ;
if retbool and retval then
-- success

retbool will be true or false, if true ScenEdit_SetLoadout didn't fail and retval will hold whatever value was returned (a boolean itself), if it's false then it failed, and retval is either nil or contains the error message.

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