Daniele -> A Wargamers Needful Things Review of SC WII WaW (12/10/2018 9:06:49 AM)
A Wargamers Needful Things has reviewed Strategic Command WWII: World at War "I can easily recommend this to anyone who wants to fight WWII globally on the computer. The very large modding community and the fact that Fury Software is always working on DLCs, paid and otherwise, is just an added plus." Eager to know more? Read the full review here Review A Wargamers Needful Things is a one stop blog for Wargamers, Military Minifig collectors, Toy Soldier collectors and military history obsessives. We will do our upmost to cover in depth as much as possible. We shall be reviewing books, miniatures\toy soldiers, MiniFigs and of course games, plus interviews, model making and AARs!