RE: "He Tasks Me..." Mogami (J) vs. DadMan (A) (Full Version)

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Admiral DadMan -> RE: "He Tasks Me..." Mogami (J) vs. DadMan (A) (2/5/2019 1:30:59 AM)


Davao has been taken
DD John D. Ford and DD Pillsbury were caught lurking in the area and Pillsbury was sunk by Kates from Ryujo.

I've lost track of Kido Butai...

Admiral DadMan -> RE: "He Tasks Me..." Mogami (J) vs. DadMan (A) (2/8/2019 12:04:41 AM)


Manila and Clark Field are besieged.

The tanker train has finally caught up with SARATOGA at Christmas Island, and her group has begun to move west to rendezvous with LEXINGTON and ENTERPRISE at Ocean Island.

A strong landing force has descended upon Rabaul and is attempting to take the base after taking Kavieng. Rabaul's defenders are not giving up easily.

Kido Butai has been spotted lurking in the Bismarck Sea about 200nm NW of Rabaul.

on 28DEC DD John D. Ford intercepts some transports off Jolo and gives them a good scare, putting a couple of shells into them, and taking a few in return.

In the main event, HOUSTON, BOISE, and MARBLEHEAD have moved up through Makassar Strait to intercept 2 light carriers operating in the area. That"s a bold move Cotton, let's see how it works out.

on 29DEC they encounter a cruiser support force:

Japanese Ships
CA Chokai, Shell hits 2
CL Sendai
DD Tokitsukaze, Shell hits 2
DD Shikinami
DD Ayanami, Shell hits 1
DD Asagiri
DD Sagiri
DD Yugiri

Allied Ships
CA Houston, Shell hits 1
CL Marblehead, Shell hits 1, on fire
CL Boise, Shell hits 1
DD Barker, Shell hits 1
DD Bulmer, Shell hits 1
DD Edsall
DD John D. Edwards
DD Paul Jones
DD Parrott
DD Whipple, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Stewart

After several failed intercept attempts, early New Year's Eve, they get more than they bargained for when they run smack into a strong covering force of 2BB, 4CA, 2CL, and 5DD. Here is how it played out:

BB Nagato, Shell hits 2
BB Mutsu, Shell hits 7
CA Maya, Shell hits 1
CA Myoko, Shell hits 2
CA Haguro, Shell hits 1
CA Nachi, Shell hits 2
CL Nagara, Shell hits 2
CL Kuma
DD Hatsukaze
DD Natsushio, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Murasame, Shell hits 2
DD Harusame, Shell hits 1, heavy fires
DD Yudachi

CA Houston, Shell hits 18, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
CL Marblehead, Shell hits 4, and is sunk
CL Boise, Shell hits 5
DD Barker
DD Bulmer, Shell hits 2
DD Edsall, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD John D. Edwards, Shell hits 1
DD Paul Jones, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Parrott, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
DD Whipple, Shell hits 10, and is sunk
DD Stewart

Not exactly what was hoped for, but to be expected.


adarbrauner -> RE: "He Tasks Me..." Mogami (J) vs. DadMan (A) (2/8/2019 5:26:02 AM)

I'm very sorry for the losses, but you tried...

Bif1961 -> RE: "He Tasks Me..." Mogami (J) vs. DadMan (A) (2/9/2019 3:23:32 PM)

That is one Japanese surface force that has to go and rearm. Maybe you can exploit the situation.

Fishbed -> RE: "He Tasks Me..." Mogami (J) vs. DadMan (A) (2/9/2019 5:02:45 PM)

Good thing is that old Boise lives up to her legend of being so damn unsinkable early game. Karma is strong with this one.

Admiral DadMan -> RE: "He Tasks Me..." Mogami (J) vs. DadMan (A) (2/13/2019 12:46:06 AM)



Amphibious action off Tarakan and the BB's previously encountered provide covering fire.

Kido Butai has moved east to a position 80nm NE of Kavieng, but may be heading toward Truk.

SARATOGA is about 2 days away from joining LEXINGTON and ENTERPRISE, which are still loitering at Ocean Island. The tanker train is a day behind SARATOGA. Everyone is still un-spotted.

Admiral DadMan -> RE: "He Tasks Me..." Mogami (J) vs. DadMan (A) (2/15/2019 12:56:41 AM)


Manila and Clark Field continue to be hammered by both air and ground, but are still holding on. Retreat to Bataan is not an option.

COLORADO and WARSPITE have completed repairs and will soon depart for Pearl Harbor.

Kido Butai is no longer within range of my search planes.

Admiral DadMan -> RE: "He Tasks Me..." Mogami (J) vs. DadMan (A) (2/17/2019 8:55:54 PM)


Clark Field and Manila still being bombed and bombarded daily.

Central China being harassed from the air.

A slow and steady push heads south along the Maylay Peninsula.

Britain's "Force Z" with PRINCE OF WALES and REPULSE still lurks undetected near Batavia, with the Dutch cruiser force near Soerabaja. BOISE and her consorts are retiring to the docks at Columbo/Ceylon

LEXINGTON, SARATOGA, and ENTERPRISE loiter at Ocean Island, waiting for the tanker train to arrive tomorrow. There are auxiliaries at Rabaul that I've got my eye on and Kido Butai was last spotted headed NE, possibly toward Truk to re-fuel...

mogami -> RE: "He Tasks Me..." Mogami (J) vs. DadMan (A) (2/18/2019 4:44:00 PM)

Hi, I can't wait for what happens next. Wait no I don't want to know. Someone get this demon out of my head. Arggh the rabbits foot the awful evil devil spawn rabbits foot I can feel the static in the air Dadman is rubbing the fur off his rabbits foot.

Admiral DadMan -> RE: "He Tasks Me..." Mogami (J) vs. DadMan (A) (2/18/2019 10:36:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: mogami

Hi, I can't wait for what happens next. Wait no I don't want to know. Someone get this demon out of my head. Arggh the rabbits foot the awful evil devil spawn rabbits foot I can feel the static in the air Dadman is rubbing the fur off his rabbits foot.

DadMan rubbin'

Mogami runnin'

Admiral DadMan -> RE: "He Tasks Me..." Mogami (J) vs. DadMan (A) (2/18/2019 10:50:11 PM)


A Change of Command Ceremony was carried out on 1JAN42. Adm. Nimitz relieves Adm Kimmel.

Tarakan and Clark Field are under daily assault.

Rabaul is still holding out.

Davao has fallen and he is using it as a springboard.

The tanker train has arrived at Ocean Island, refueled those ships in need, and is now moving off.

With the departure of Kido Butai from the Rabaul area (likely toward Truk), LEXINGTON, SARATOGA, and ENTERPRISE with escorts, are now ordered westward to feast on the shipping left behind at Rabaul.

TO: COMTF5/6/11




Admiral DadMan -> Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/20/2019 11:10:51 PM)


Mogami: "Well I think the USN will be happy. IJN Pilots pretty much ignore USN CV and go after escorts. IJN CV pounded. I had to hurt at least 1 USN CV based on number of carrier ac destroyed when Rabaul was captured. (I wish I had captured Rabaul a day earlier could have save IJN ac) So I think we will be even on CV till late summer and then in 43 it will be all USN."

DadMan: "Wow… I had no idea that you were still there… I was headed to snack on some transports at Rabaul. Now I must bravely run away…"

So, do you lot want a minimalist account of the action, or would you like more of a story?

Bif1961 -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/21/2019 2:11:08 PM)

More, more, more, how do u like your AARs, how do you like your AARs? More, more, more!

RangerJoe -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/21/2019 5:23:33 PM)

Give us some details, maybe even the combat report part of the actions but without all of the planes dropping at a certain altitude, just end it after showing the ships being hit but include any ammo explosions and such. Too much of the combat report included and I tend to just pass through it all.

Usually I just like an overview of what happens in each area, including a section on sub war. If you would like examples from AARs, I would be glad to link to some of the AARs themselves.

Bif1961 -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/21/2019 6:36:18 PM)

I am surprised you ventured that close to the last known location of the KB. That you survived with any carriers at all is a huge bonus.

RangerJoe -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/21/2019 6:54:02 PM)

If you can surprise the KB when the pilots are fatigued and the carriers are low on sorties and torpedoes, that is always a good thing. Even B-17 naval raids can help and that is not gamey as it actually was done during the war.

Bif1961 -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/21/2019 10:35:23 PM)

Yes but if you assume the KB is all 6 carriers and he had 3 US Fleet carriers that would 420 expert aviators with high skill against 360 inexperienced ones with possible bad squadron leaders and at least poor torpedo planes. Even with the KB out of torpedo the Kates can carry 800KG bombs that can ruin a carriers decks and days. With 6 carriers attacking 3 that means 420ish planes could focus on only 3 carriers and escorts while 360 planes are spread over 6 carriers and escorts, so the odds are not in the favor of the Allied carriers.

Admiral DadMan -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/23/2019 4:29:15 PM)

This actually happened in 4JAN42. I keep forgetting that the replay is the day prior to the current turn.

And now... The Battle of Bismarck Archipelago

120nm west of Rabaul, as dawn breaks through the eastern clouds behind him, the pilot of one of HELENA’s SOC Seagull floatplanes drops out of an obliging cloud to a rude greeting of bullets plinking off his fuselage. They’re the last sounds he ever hears.

Aboard USS ENTERPRISE, V.Adm. William F. Halsey is handed a message sent from LEXINGTON's Captain Sherman. One of her SB2U Vindicators (nicknamed “Wind Indicators by their US Marine pilots) sent a sighting report:


Halsey’s eyes light up: “Launch every Goddamn thing not nailed down! NOW!”

His orderly, used to these sorts of reactions from the venerable admiral, replies without looking up and with sardonic tone: "Just like that, sir?"

Halsey, with a glint in his eye: "Yes son, just like that."

From: COMTF406
To: COMTF5/6



Three carriers and their task forces turn into the wind, launching everything that would fly. SBD Dauntless dive bombers and TBD Devastator torpedo planes escorted by F4F Wildcats and LEXINGTON’s F2A Buffalos.

92 Dauntlesses from all 3 carriers and 13 Devastators from VT-6 find Kido Butai and immediately attack. Wildcats and Buffalos mix it up with the CAP while the bombers sort out their targets. ENTERPRISE’s VS-6 and VB-6 wallop AKAGI with 6 1000lb SAP bombs and put another pair into ZUIKAKU. SARATOGA’s VB-3 lays 4 of them into SHOKAKU and VS-3 drops a pair on a destroyer. LEXINGTON’s VB-2 scores a hit on HIRYU but VS-2 only manages to drench SORYU with near-misses. ENTERPRISE's VT-6, after missing SORYU and HIRYU, nails KAGA with 3 torpedoes.

LEXINGTON's VT-2 arrives late and makes a run on SHOKAKU scoring no hits and losing half their number. SARATOGA’s VT-3 follows close on their heels losing a third of their strike while being driven off. On their way out, they have the satisfaction of being able to report the sinking of KAGA.

Hard-charging Bill Halsey’s ENTERPRISE task force, in the lead as usual, is the first to pick up the inbound Japanese strike of 108 Val dive bombers and 126 Kate torpedo bombers escorted by 78 Zero fighters. It is an awesome spectacle to behold.

Like a bee’s nest sensing a threat, all 3 carriers launch every fighter available, putting up 89 in total to meet the raiders. SARATOGA is tail end Charlie and behind her screening ships which means that LEXINGTON and ENTERPRISE will bear the brunt of this. The carriers turn-to in an attempt to clear the area, and the cruisers and destroyers start putting up a fearsome flak barrage. The carriers are running too fast for the Kates to set up on them, so instead they target their tormentors- the cruisers. One after another they pile in, scoring on USS ASTORIA, HMAS CANBERRA, and twice on USS LOUISVILLE. After several hours of gallant damage control, LOUISVILLE succumbs to her wounds. Destroyers are not immune to Vals, with 2 taking hits.

It is the Vals that catch up to the carriers. After a protracted snake dance, a Val scores on ENTERPRISE with a 1kg SAP bomb the penetrates several decks and starts serious fires. LEXINGTON is not so lucky. Two Vals score on her, setting off her gasoline storage and setting raging fires. She is in extremis as she and other damaged ships begin to retire.

Dusk comes with a further strike by a group of 62 Vals. They find the Destroyer Screening Group of BALCH, PORTER, ELLET, and DUNLAP. All but ELLET are hit hard and left burning.

Finally, night falls on a scene of smoke, fire, crippled ships, and struggling sailors, some working to save their ships, some desperately trying to save themselves.

Mike Solli -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/23/2019 4:37:32 PM)


GetAssista -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/23/2019 4:47:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Admiral DadMan
92 Dauntlesses from all 3 carriers and 13 Devastators from VT-2 find Kido Butai and immediately attack. Wildcats and Buffalos mix it up with the CAP while the bombers sort out their targets. ENTERPRISE’s VS-6 and VB-6 whallop AKAGI with 6 1000lb SAP bombs and put another pair into ZUIKAKU. SARATOGA’s VB-3 lays 4 of them into SHOKAKU and VS-3 drops a pair on a destroyer. LEXINTON’s VB-2 scores a hit on HIRYU but VS-2 only manages to drench SORYU with near-misses. ENTERPRISE's VT-6, after missing SORYU and HIRYU, nails KAGA with 3 torpedoes.

LEXINGTON's VT-2 arrives late and makes a run on SHOKAKU scoring no hits and losing half their number. SARATOGA’s VT-3 follows close on their heels losing a third of their strike while being driven off. On their way out, they have the satisfaction of being able to report the sinking of KAGA.
It is the Vals that catch up to the carriers. After a protacted snake dance, a Val scores on ENTERPRISE with a 1kg SAP bomb the penetrates several decks and starts serious fires. LEXINGTON is not so lucky. Two Vals score on her, setting off her gasoline storage and setting raging fires. She is in extremis as she and other damaged ships begin to retire.

Woah! Looks like Midway happened a tad too early [:D]
Despite terribly potent Japanese midget bombs that is

denisonh -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/23/2019 4:55:52 PM)


RangerJoe -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/23/2019 6:05:46 PM)

At least you got the Kaga [&o] and possibly the Akagi. Six 1000 pound bombs might sink her but if not, she will be in the shipyard a long time repairing. So will the Shokaku and the Zuikaku. The KB is hurting, now for some submarines with decent torpedoes to go hunting. That should slow down the Japanese for awhile. That should leave the Soryu and the Hiryu undamaged to go up against the undamaged Saratoga, is that not correct?

For your ships, I hope that the carriers survive. Getting some naval support to a base ASAP to help with the carriers emergency repairs is helpful. If you need to, you might want to risk a full speed dash to a port with an automatic disband at the end to get out of harm's way.

witpqs -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/23/2019 6:38:08 PM)

Hiryu was hit by at least 1 bomb.

RangerJoe -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/23/2019 7:07:46 PM)

My mistake and I see it now. So only the Soryu is undamaged . . .

witpqs -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/23/2019 7:23:21 PM)



My mistake and I see it now. So only the Soryu is undamaged . . .

A major coup at this game date!

RangerJoe -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/23/2019 7:30:22 PM)

Yes, a very nice battle outcome for the Allies. [&o] Now to capitalize on it.

Put every sub in the way of the repair bases and lay some mines . . .

Admiral DadMan -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/23/2019 8:45:15 PM)


Throughout the night of the fourth and into the fifth, the tired crews of Fredrick Sherman’s LEXINGTON continue to exert maximum effort to save their ship. Lady Lex is making her way south at a bare 4 knots, but she is still burning furiously, escorted by fellow damaged consorts ASTORIA, HMAS CANBERRA, and HMAS AUSTRALIA, which had taken 2 bombs of her own in the battle, and a screen of destroyers.

The Japanese carriers are long gone, and only nearby naval activity consists of unloading transports at Rabaul, screen by a group of cruisers. Bill Halsey in the badly damaged ENTERPRISE directs her and the undamaged SARATOGA to strike at those targets.




Over Rabaul, 25 of SARATOGA’s Dauntlesses find a 3 ship division of heavy cruisers and attack, but score no hits. ENTERPRISE manages to put up 30 SBD’s and they find 6 transports off loading, 5 of which are promptly set afire. SARATOGA bombers make a return trip later finding more cruisers and transports, setting one more freighter on fire.

As LEXINGTON's task group of cripples (CRIPDIV1) passes through the Bougainville Straight, Captain Sherman is forced to realize that whatever slim chance there is to save his ship lies in Shortland Harbor at Bougainville. Every hour his crew fights the fires that consume his ship equates to that much more tonnage of seawater dragging LEXINGTON lower and lower to her grave. Her chances dim with each passing moment and Sherman braces for what feels like the inevitable.

Admiral DadMan -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/23/2019 8:49:17 PM)

It seems that KAGA was sunk, AKAGI and SHOKAKU were heavily damaged. Time will tell if that holds up.

mogami -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/23/2019 8:54:37 PM)

Curse that damn rabbits foot

RangerJoe -> RE: Battle Of the Bismark Archipelago (2/23/2019 9:04:01 PM)

Rabbits feet are NOT lucky. The rabbit had four of them and look what happened to him . . .

If you disband in a port, fly in some AV for defense, some naval support if available, and if there is an airfield, some air support to move the unloaded air units from the base. APDs will also be useful. Collect as many ships as is possible for an escort TF if the Japanese start looking like they will attack the base or even a naval attack on the port. Go from base to base, disbanding at each one if you have to to try and save the Lady.

If nothing else, remove the pilots from the air units and save them.

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